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Everything posted by knight

  1. The guy that bought them sent me this
  2. I'm absolutely devastated for you!!! :eek: :eek: I would be on suicide watch if that was my car! Hope you get it sorted!
  3. To keep with the candy purple theme i've bought a tin of CADBURY PURPLE PEARL METALLIC Caliper Paint :eek: Image taken from the supplier Should look good!
  4. Simpo we need more photo's
  5. if naz says that above is the best then i would trust his knowledge! He knows his stuff mate for sure!
  6. Just measure the lot then you will know!
  7. There's proberly a few things i can still do! but don't want to go over the top! it's a fine line really!
  8. Rim look good mate very nice, tyres wise i'm running 195/45/16 and looks perfect
  9. for a good job expect to pay £1-£1500
  10. X2 Yep thats what i read up on!
  11. 70 pages of spent money lol, yeah i'm liking the winglet look on m's for sure mate! i love aggressive mods
  12. It was fun mate we should do that more often!
  13. I've done alot and thats the problem there only so much you can do but i want to get something for the bay (dress up) or exterior (bumper canards / winlets) or both lol
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