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ooya like it. so have you done them with spray cans?? looks pretty good finish

Cheers mate. Yeah halfrawds own. They aren't too bad to use actually, there is one drop on one of them. Once I take them off n lacquer I'll take some proper pictures, can't really appreciate the 'sparkle' unless your up close.

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Cheers mate. Yeah halfrawds own. They aren't too bad to use actually, there is one drop on one of them. Once I take them off n lacquer I'll take some proper pictures, can't really appreciate the 'sparkle' unless your up close.

Lightly sets and the drop mark and just give it a quick blow over with the paint before you lacquer them. That way you will have perfect paint but only wet sand it enough to make it invisible ( you may rub through to the primer a little but it will get you that perfect finish).

Hope that helps :)

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Lightly sets and the drop mark and just give it a quick blow over with the paint before you lacquer them. That way you will have perfect paint but only wet sand it enough to make it invisible ( you may rub through to the primer a little but it will get you that perfect finish).

Hope that helps :)

Cheers for the tip matey!!

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Rims look good, out of curiosity did you rattle can them? And if so how many did you go through?

Yes I did mate. Just under two tins of primer (500ml) then 3 cans of top paint (300ml) and I haven't lacquered yet? But have two 500ml cans. Can't imagine them taking much more that one.

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