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Arrgh im fed up with this gearbox. for the last 4months ive been trying to find a oil leak from my newly recond gearbox at first it was the drive shaft seals they fell to bits so they obviously didnt put new ones in wen they recond the gearbox minor gripe so i did them n they were a pain as i had issues with getting the intermediate shaft off any how that got sorted. then i noticed there was still a leak a few days later n thought i f**ked up the seals wen putting the shafts back but due to having a bad back n shoulder all i could do was keep topping her up till i could sort it properly not good practice but i get the oil of a mate in my old job so why not. But today i gave it a go again n took it all apart only to find the seals are fine n then i noticed the oil was coming from the diff casing not the seals, so i cleand it all up n it turns out the dopey f**kers at the gearbox place forgot 2 bolt from the casing n the sealant finally gave up n its been p**sing from there

20140828_121911_zps4dqgrwfz.jpg 20140828_121833_zpsf5fblwpd.jpg so long story short (too late) i called them n chewed them out about it n they r gonna get some sent out to me arrgh. I will never recommend guildford reconditioned gearboxes ltd to anybody ever wat a bunch of cowboys!!!!!

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