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My PB MB9 Aerodeck! Engine rebuild in progress


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I had no credit rating a few years back... Was on pay n go sim too... Got a credit card from bank and they said as long as you spend a little on it each month, say a food shop or petrol, and make sure its paid up in full each month it'll bring your credit score up.... Now im getting offered credit cards left right n center!!! Lol

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I had no credit rating a few years back... Was on pay n go sim too... Got a credit card from bank and they said as long as you spend a little on it each month, say a food shop or petrol, and make sure its paid up in full each month it'll bring your credit score up.... Now im getting offered credit cards left right n center!!! Lol

That's what I do, it also gets used on rainy days! Trouble is you need to make sure you can stop yourself spending on things you want rather than need! I started off with a £700 limit and last year they slapped another grand onto that! Then like yourself, I'm getting offered them all over the place with silly limits too! 

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Well, I got no chance getting Meister R's on finance then :lol:


I'm picking something up soon to go in the boot ;)


Is it a dog as suggested earlier? :lol:

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And gave it a wash and wax today. With tyre shine this time... ;)


Oh yeah, new cambelt kit fitted yesterday. That literally only took an hour to do! But I didn't have enough time to fit the Beaks bar, springs and rear caliper.











Looks pretty tough with 205 tyres on the rear ;)










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