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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Good stuff. Bet parts aren't as easy to find as civic parts
  2. so needs a damn good clean up in the engine and externally. I need to strip the brakes down and clean and grease. I suspect the handbrake cable has stretched on one side so may have to replace that. The front discs are looking a bit ropey. We're perfect when sold dunno what guy did to the car really. Like beach drifting or summit. need to fix windows. And then go to the body shop. But really not too far off.. very weird driving this then jumping straight in the deck. Both civics both c4s but sooooooo different.
  3. Haha still a fair bit to do. So today I have fitted new clutch and the repaired gearbox. Sorted out the blowey exhaust. Used expensive gaskets and spring fixings. worth every penny pull In nice and tight. Cleaned and fitted replacement iacv. Starts and idles now after a bit of tweaking. refitted the coilovers and put new droplinks on. refitted battery tray with new yuasa 5057 battery. also fitted new front hubcentic spacers. Fronts sit nice now. rear to be fitted later. Fitted the filled torque mounts. touch wood gearbox is good. Rusty brakes were very noisy on test drive but couldnt seem to hear anything to worrying in the gearbox. Real test will be high Rpm shifting though so not out the water yet. clutch is lovely. It's a joy to drive this car With a normal clutch. It's really light and smooth. Very nice.
  4. Absolutely pooped. long day.
  5. on its own lowers compression aswell. Looked into it a long while back
  6. Skunk2 Always popping up 2nd hand
  7. No Mate. C4 has its own intake manifold. Different flange to all other b series.
  8. Today's the day. Hopefully cracked on. Got all me s**t ready to go loadsa stuff. Gearbox and coilies all ready in shed. big a*s pile of stuff to go on. Clutch and flywheel. New yuasa 5057 battery. 5 mtf. 4 cans of plastidip. All sorts of toolage and some scruffs. let's do this!
  9. Dechromed back finally. And i dont think this deck has ever been cleaned so I spent an hour on the old gal. wax doesn't seem to get dents out which is a shame but overall I'd say she's quite presentpresentable after a bath. Will get toyos put on these wheels next week. Again thy have a few chips in the paint now but will still look ok for daily I reckon.
  10. No way man that's a bargain.. I was happy with my purchase of 5x proxes for 80 squid on ebay Up the road in tut Deeeeeeerby! They look spot on absolutely mint
  11. Yeah the back section looks weird like it buckled or summit. Defo a civic center.
  12. Hope so then. Love t1r
  13. Haha fair play awesome stuff. Honda always surprise me with some ingenius solutions to things.
  14. I had p6000 on me mb6 when I bought it. They wernt very clever at all.
  15. Front lights look different aswell
  16. I always buy toyo t1rs aswell. Not really tried any other performance orientated tyres so can't compare. But there far grippier than yoke s drives I had before so I was very impressed in the dry. Not so much in the wet. But ok. Love them so much I have 4 spares in the shed as I heard there being discontinued.
  17. Looking good. What's that sticker on your bonnet??
  18. KiNK43

    help needed

    which one can you remember?? Have you soldered it or twisted??? Is it insulated properly??
  19. KiNK43

    help needed

    Pretty sure it's possible to get two connectors wrong way round aswell. think tps and map sensor have same plug on or something like that. It's been a while and my car ain't here to have a look for you. But I would check you have the map and tps connectors the right way around too.
  20. KiNK43

    help needed

    is any wiring damaged or under strain? I know it's a bit of a stretch on the connectors after fitting skunk2
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