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Everything posted by noodels

  1. well if its any consulation was gonna vote for your stunning origonal spec A1 vtis mate oh!! and congrads to the winner
  2. yes one like mine its A1 condition inside and out £? i want a ITR now
  3. according to rimmer brothers they only have l/h/f only make sure you dont get 2 l/h/f ones not unless the same at front
  4. like a goverment general election this one,food promises and bribery if there was a green car i would vote for that
  5. you can work out if suitable though if you had the correct info http://www.squirrelpf.com/turbocalc/index.php
  6. hard to tell sugest ring the store above
  7. noodels

    ABS fault

    have you driven the car, it has to learn by wheel rotation maybe
  8. had a look on here but ? http://turbostore.eu/catalog/garrett-m- ... =2&sort=2a
  9. you need a volt meter ect continuty test ect low tension are the small wires to dizzy get a wiring diag would help,need to be tested for correct voltages/ohmms resistance ect. http://www.ehow.com/how_4912368_check-c ... meter.html
  10. adress the main issue first,ecu reset would not be the prob/ fault as you described though.
  11. check your HT leads plugs & dizzy ect +low curcuit wires
  12. meant to say enter someone"s other than my own at least got some peoples intrest in it init
  13. i vote for Roys to the list of entries as i won last year think the winners of last year should vote for someone who didnt optional ps and it looks like mine
  14. Got any close up pics of them now? on the 3rd page of my topic below
  15. spose so, put tea strainer mesh on mine s/steel got them from sainsburys £2 each 18 months ago glass int cracked yet
  16. could fill the with filler or pu adhesiveits rubbery
  17. campers would a inlet manifold fit be the same on these heads= b16a/b/b18c5/6 b18c4
  18. see topic viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9038
  19. keep the same injectors it will overfuel, maybe get fuel pressure reg for the fine tune ecu remap
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