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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Mk2 golf ^^^ plus a cloud of black smoke !! Yeah they do mate .. I'm in no way associated with VAG stuff (but i do appreciate a well modified car).. However, my freind Paul who I knew through an old work place, had an S3, actually due to see him soon as he's just finished his 4th build and been mapped to just shy of 500BHP. . All of the work has been done by him and Bill @ Badger5 .. They also run/maintain/have built several race cars that ive seen go and jeeze ! !
  2. HA yet another project !!! For mapping reference mate, Bill & Paul @ Badger5 certianly know their stuff when it comes to your engine !
  3. They'd look ok white actually .. Keeping them clean would make a difference
  4. It has to break twice before they "have" to take it back??? Surely you can just say that you are unhapy with your purchase and the goods were unfit for purpose???
  5. Do you think it'll actually burn ?? Maybe these crazy koreans made it from chocolate and it'll just melt
  6. Now as some of you may know, I've only really been into detailing since getting the deck .. Never had a car before that is so rewarding for keeping clean .. I know have good products and have refined my weekly wash method to keep her looking at her best .. After an EPIC weekend with @Chandler a few months ago and machine polishing, the finish was amazing. Hence I am now one of those "clean freaks" a term that some of you use ! BUT and its a big BUT! I've just stumbled across this thread and all I can say is wow ........... @Chandler, one for you mate ! Think we need to think about this http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=244507
  7. Always heard good things and had them on my scoob.. Although it never really got ALOT of abuse.. Also if your looking at that price range there is TAROX too .. They're supposed to be a good disc ..
  8. I had a friend that did this too ! But it was the 1.8 seat version (same engine i know) BUT it was out of a seat race tuner, cant remember their name .. That ran similar power IIRC and was an animal .. Although he couldnt put the power down !
  9. haha unless you have Phil, Gib & Alex standing in the boot
  10. Now thats a sentence thats quite on heard of ! Cheers Tom
  11. Haha brilliant! That properly made me chuckle!
  12. With the 3 kids as proof!
  13. Grant

    Mb6 turbo

    Agreed. I've seen it on the FB page. Sure I've spoken to the guy before. Looks sweet. Possibly a little steep on price though
  14. Wouldnt ever think that a mani, decat and system could be done without some sort of tinkering ..
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