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Everything posted by Krzys

  1. Krzys

    ek9 wheel

    Cool, would it need anything or just a straight swap? On my old EK I baught a wheel (Think it may have been an Accord Type R Wheel), didn't line up with the splines, was gutted!
  2. Krzys

    ek9 wheel

    oh dear im in trouble now. my srs cable real is spread from one side of the shed to the other and back again! oops. more to the point ek9 wheel will fit straight on, or you could sell it to me for my standard currency of at least 65 sausage rolls! Any idea about the ones off the DC2? Found a place on eBay that seems to have a few in stock!
  3. Krzys


    http://shop.12tune.com Can search by car and they have a section for M's
  4. Yeah looks like they should of been there from the factory! Ummmmmm a meet sound good me and kink always down dynodaze so feel free to join us any time mate,,, if not,,, start a meet thread for some were else Do you go down on the Wednesday nights? A mate of mine mentioned the weekly meets down there?
  5. Not quite the red I'd be hoping for unless it's not the best picture? As above, the Oscars would have been handy!
  6. Can see where you've been naughty! Only joking! Car looks mint, good colour for polishing!
  7. I was looking through your photo's, given me the confidence to do mine once my second bulb holder arrives! 1"£££$££"!!
  8. Nice Deck! Used to have an MC2 in Silver but it was a nail! Wish we had that much snow here! Proper stuff! Hopefully the new control arms will fit!
  9. In the last picture it say just tail + fog, I don't think the brake pedal was pressed so that leaves me to believe the "3rd" brake light is still there!
  10. As above, EK/EJ are 3 door and the M is a 5 door and a different floorpan so would be a different shape. Hope this helps!
  11. for the mb dont do them for the mgzs180 Thanks! Gots me a set of shocks and springs on the way! Once here and on should make a good difference! 1"£££$££"!!
  12. Guys sorry to hijack but I need to ask a daft question With the ZS180 shocks, do you get Eibach springs for the MB or the ZS180? Thanks!
  13. Awesome front badge! Good colour too, polishes up lovely!
  14. Symtoms may include buying a Civic M Get some pictures up of the Deck mate!
  15. You will just have to wait!!! This is going to go on a bit like those wheels I hope not, it's bad enough waiting for my wheels to arrive!
  16. Could be the thermostat sticking open, might want to get it changed before it decides to stick shut like mine did!
  17. I get well excited when i go in one! "quick put all the windows down" 5 sec's later IAB's wide open Child!! (me too) Kids love noise so that makes me a big kid!
  18. That'll work in my favour for an idea I've got for winter wheels! Congrats Zoy!
  19. Couple of videos from Saturday night! Really shows the induction noise and 4ucked exhaust! I love tunnels! Roll on this weekend, booked in for exhaust and my Alloys are en route!
  20. lol oi you! its dave logged into krzys account to sort the errors he's getting. lol
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