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Ive decided in future im not going to go cheaper first, im going to save for the parts i actually want instead of buying twice... (Lesson learnt from coilovers lol) so if reccomended by you guys i think ill go for the d1 spec nuts?? I prefur the blue on the d1's too hehe!! :D

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Oh crap Alex is right! Like how the ad even says they're Ali and not to use on track, Christ they must be really weak...

quote from the add

Forged made mixed Aluminium Compound with Surface


so, yes they are stronger being forged, but they are still Aluminium, thre might be some nuts at fest 2 mate :) just have to make sure there steel

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I been using d1 alloy nuts for last year. Well my wheels haven't fell off and cars been driven hard..

But I was starting to notice threads dropping out when they were removed and getting harder to put back on. So bought some steel nuts that will hopefully last a lifetime.

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i've ran steel nuts on the wagon for about 3 years, the same set of Muteki neo chrome ones, have had no problems apart from the inside going rusty, but i do my nuts up very tight and would strip the thread in aluminium nuts straight away

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