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My PB MB9 Aerodeck! Engine rebuild in progress


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Car is not taking shape no more. I had an accident on the way into work this morning. A Transit van drove into the side of me and just caught the wing and both doors. It was my fault too as I didn't cancel the left signal. Obviouly the bloke thought I was turning left so he pulled out in front me. The damage isn't too bad, just more scuffs and dents and damaged wheel. The Aerodeck is still drivable...


Luckily the van driver isn't going to claim off my insurance. I could claim but then I will loose my no claims. Just isn't worth it to be honest. 


I'm having no luck with this car, currently saving for another car now as I just had enough. Everytime I try to fix her, something bad happens.

My state of mind with car now is not good. Feels like the car doesn't like me :(


I will upload pics later on after work 

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Christ mate! Glad you're okay and sorry to hear about this! :(


I feel the same with mine hence why I'm ignoring it and no updates to share.


Any ideas what you will go for next?

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Shame to here that the luck isnt with you on this... Always the way though, one thing after the next, cars are never plain sailing unless you keep em stock!

Keep your chin up pal!

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At least you're alright and the Aerodeck is still moving! :)


I have a love/hate relationship with my MB3. I've stopped modding it now because all sorts of crap keeps happening to it. I'd suggest doing the same with the Aerodeck for a while and see how things go. Treat it as an A to B car for a while and see if your confidence comes back with it.

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Thats a shame mate, as already said glad your ok though!


There is plenty more cars about, i think part of the trouble is the cars are getting old now. I had the same with my MB6 nothing major just little things and once you fix 1 things 2 more appear, so frustrating!

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I'm ok, it's nothing serious anyway :) It feels like I got a jinx car but really it's just me not having much luck. It can happen to any car so even if I go out and buy another car, the same thing can happen!


I might be buying a TDi Golf Estate cheap so I can take the Aerodeck off the road and do some major work on her (engine wise) but not sure yet, might have to wait longer.


So I'm not giving up on the poor girl and my Dad is going to help me repair the doors, wings and panels today (Pics will follow)


Here's some pictures of the damage. Nothing major really... :)
















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