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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Poly trailing arm bushes are pretty gnarly. heavy braking in my eg means you have to be on your toes.. back end gets very loose and skitty. only thing I can put it down too
  2. You plonker! Lca look nice mate.. always think it's a shame about abs cable on m's. Gets in the way. Can't really notice tho to be fair.
  3. Very nice. Always wanted some of them. Added o the list
  4. Dunno man.. both my current c4s you can see it splodging out all way round sumps Just like gearbox.
  5. Oh dear.. sounds a right pain. Shame the old one was so far gone.. There is also someone on ebay selling pre baffled new oem sumps for 189 squid. nice upgrade to put on ya spec tho!
  6. KiNK43

    Exhaust MB3

    Won't be far off if at All
  7. @JK1245 I might have one in my shed. I'll let ya know. I dont tend to bin anything.
  8. Good idea. looks great hey. Scrubs up real well for an old girl!
  9. That would be around the time I was sulking and avoiding the forum cus everyone had a civic and I wasn't allowed one
  10. KiNK43

    Rust underneath

    Depends how bad it is really. That was the death of my mb6. But rusted all the way through from inside. Windscreen was leaking. seems to be lots of folds kind of join there making it awkward to weld. At least that's what I was told. but mine was obviously extreme. So without seeing it hard to say..
  11. Oh no so finally the debate settled. Type r is quicker than a deck!! I bet you had so much fun man. Jealous. No point having these cars if you don't give them a pasting every now and again. Some great shots aswell.
  12. No don't be doing that hahaha. I used to drive a defender for work. And ya can only shift from one range to another at very very low speeds like 3mph pretty sweet little motor that tho. Like it
  13. @Jayhoath83 don't get me started. He told me he was super ocd and was being picky when sold it him. turns out he's a prize plonker. Honestly don't know how car can go downhill so rapid and clearly doesn't know how to maintain a car. Aggghhhh. apparently building another that puts this to shame well yeah will do now. Cheers mate
  14. So exhaust was blowing like mad and had a crazY rattle. Bodged up with some naff bolts. not done a lot otherwise. Cleaned air filter. and gone a bit nuts on ebay. 12 items on there way. Mostly service and repair bits.
  15. Out of date Mint imperials! Oldschool
  16. This is mine.. does a lap of the bay..had to find a bracket to hold it
  17. I'm using one. But with aftermarket throttle body. It's not gonna work well with standard throttle to be honest mate. Cable entry is wrong side
  18. Oh dear man what happened?? Low oil? Sorrynto hear that
  19. Not bad ay.. Looks sweet
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