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Everything posted by Grant

  1. I dont understand why if people know that little, that they even attempt it !
  2. Dear god some of the brake ones !!!!
  3. Grab me a large GT30 turbo Agreed, perhaps the holiday will do you both good .. Then we need to arrange a meet which incorporates a decent drive
  4. Indeed this would be the best way
  5. Sounds like its the tiny ones then mate .. What i did for mine, is buy a multi box of fuel resistant o-rings and found one that fits ! You dont need to buy the whole set ! IIRC the fuel resistant ones are green
  6. What sort of paint did you use then ??
  7. Yeah defo wouldnt advise that lol
  8. I feel the return of an M Ooooh what shop mate ??
  9. Looking good matey ! Those calipers look in terrible condition!!
  10. Where is it leaking from mate? the small o rings or the fat chunky ones?
  11. Could be a number of things TBH .. As Krzys said, copper slip on the out side of the pad and in the carriers is a must .. Could also though be down to a slight bit of grit down inbetween the pad n disk ..
  12. Ha yeah thats true Tom! Yeah there does seem to be Jay ! lol .. Although mines probably self inflicted by buying cheap! Although you would ecpect them to work!
  13. That's better. do you get paint transfer on your elbow?
  14. @fyfie5 think your right there mate. Although they best have some stock as one of them doesn't bloody work!!
  15. Perhaps some form of hybrid? And s9b with a s4c 5th?
  16. Sounds like the same ratios as a s9b Jake.
  17. Hahaha!! Sure it's not that bad!!
  18. Its who i used to go with when the EK was up and running.. Great bunch of people and really really good track etiquette unlike some of the twats (a certain rx7 springs to mind recenttly)
  19. You should look at getting on to a HOT day ?? www.hondas-on-track.co.uk
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