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Meet Roxy! Daves Honda Civic TypeR FN2 (UPDATE: Roxy waving goodbye to Civic5)


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Well if its not just Honda that get it wrong, do you think maybe it might be to people ordering the parts?!?!


Shitter mate, hopefully you get her back this week and more importantly hopefully she's fixed up to standard ..

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Ended up getting her back yesterday,........ And taking her back in on Monday! Not a happy bunny! When I went to check her with the guy, I noticed straight away that the pass side rear edge of the bonnet was like half an inch higher then the wing! Looked like she had bonnet lifters on one side! Said to him wtf is that meant to be?? Not effing repaired properly, that what! So they took her back in and adjusted the bonnet, so its now sitting straight and level. So, seeing as I was freezing cold having spent the best part of an hour on the bus (with no heaters on!) Getting there, I wanted away. I did notice bits where they're missed rubbing the polish off ( or so I thought) as they said shed just been washed and polished. Started her up, and noticed she turned over really slowly, so know the battery hadn't been disconnected the whole month she's been sat there. How do I know? Stereo is all back to default settings, meaning battery has been stone cold flat. They must have jump started her, lazy bits!. So driving along and ended up in a queue, so turned the heater up as I was still cold. Sitting there, I thought what the hells that draft. Only it wasn't a draft, the heater was blowing cold air, when set to hot! It eventually got warmer, but once on the move reverted back to freezing cold! So, they haven't even bled the coolant system after refilling it! Next, I'm driving into my town on the rather bumpy road, and hear this annoying rattle. Best wat to describe it is like a cracking sound, like someone hitting the bottom of the windscreen with a screw driver. Now being on the civinfo site for these civics, I knew it was the plastic scuttle where the wipers sit, as they're common for this. So, got her into my garage, popped the bonnet, only to find the whole scuttle panel just sitting in place, nothing holding it or the plastic panels that run down the side of the inner wings in place! All the fasteners missing! So got straight onto the phone to them and went daft! So it goes back in on Monday. But it doesn't stop there! Went out to buff of the 'polish' only to find it isn't polish, is effing over spray! Infact , I'm going to ask to see they're so called painter and give him a lesson in using masking paper and tape. There's oversparay all over the bloody car! The pass door mirror casing has an almost matt finish to it, the mirror glass itself is covered in paint, theres bits along the pass side you can see where it wasn't masked, paint feels flat at those bits, drivers door just under the mirror has an actual edge where the masking tape was, drivers side side skirt is covered in over spray to the point it doesn't actually shine! Then there's the pass side wheel arch, where it meets the sideskirt, it keeps popping out. Went out in her last night and had at least half a dozen cars flash there lights or put main beam on, so looks like they haven't even set the headlight level! Then to cap it all, went out with Gayle for something to eat, started raining, put wipers on and bloody windscreen is covered in over spray too. And when I called to say I was on my way to pick the car up, they said'thats fine,the cars just in quality control just now so will be ready when you get here' !!!! What the actual fuck????????? When you first see her she looks stunning, but when you look closer that's when all the faults show. So they are going to get one hell of a blocking from me when I arrive on Monday! Going to let my insurance company know too, as the excess has been paid, and this is supposed to be ' an approved repair centre'. Bloody shocking! Still, at least she drives perfect, and DD is finally off the road for the winter! Watch this space!

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