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Everything posted by simpo

  1. Depends what channel you watch lol
  2. ^^^^ I know it even stopped raining for me I bet it p1sses down tomoz
  3. simpo


    R reg vtis just over 90k
  4. Bad new can't fit the Mani because after being in my house for so I long I still haven't brought a donut gasket Wat a d1ck
  5. Now some good news got out my trusty hammer and it now fits
  6. Which ones (eg colour )
  7. True when I fitted my full system I could hear the 4500 more than the 6000 lol
  8. Ok just pulled this thread up for the bottom of the list Nothing major got this today in the post Bad new thou two of the bits don't slot together
  9. Lol vtec is at 4500 the iabs open at 6000 all ok mate
  10. Doesn't take 2 secs to take a cage out lol
  11. simpo

    Wheel noise

    Sometimes u need to drum it into people
  12. simpo

    Wheel noise

    Take the wheel off and undo caliper check to see if sliders are seized or piston is seized
  13. Arb don't look to bad give it a sand down and a lick of paint will be like brand new.
  14. Links ain't working for me
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