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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Looking good Dave. Agree looks nicer with less going on. That Nardi wheel is really nice anyway. Ha love an electric aerial takes me back to being a kid. Being shouted at trying to pull it out by hand
  2. That's interesting mate. Super please for you it's call come together.
  3. Exciting times mate. Nearly there. Have you figured out what's happening about registering it etc.?
  4. His has bolt ons and a tune. Its super responsive and handling is insane. No wonder he was running rings around me on track.
  5. Yeah cool ain't it. Just have it popping out a little. theres also a little pump on the side of drivers to pump up the lumbar support. Very snazzy. cars gone in for more paint tomorrow. ive braught Painters ep3 home tonight. What a great car. It's better than the mb at everything I have to say. Brakes, steering, ride. And k20 are just so responsive low down. I'm in love.
  6. Yeah people often said to me meisters feel like OEM comfort. They really don't quite crashy imo. When she gonna be back on the road?
  7. One down. Used the accord rails moved one bracket forward. And needed to weld the inside rear from the original seat onto it.
  8. Might be surprised. Springs are quite nice in most cars I've known with them.
  9. Cheers yeah gonna have a go at getting them in tomorow I recon. Don't look too complicated. Bit welding I expect tho. Here's the brace on cars all back together now.
  10. Also found some new seats. The leathers are not great on track, i was sliding all over the place making it much harder to change direction quickly. But equally the car is not an all out track beast so didn't want bucket seats. OEM Recaros seemed to make the most sense, nice half way house between support and comfort for the road.
  11. Had a couple issues lately. Car was struggling to boost. Seemed to be on wastegate pressure only. Found that the 3 port boost solenoid is not functioning properly. But also whilst looking for potential causes. Noticed my bloody rediculously expensive manifold had a crack in it around the wastegate. Thaught oh no not again, had so many issues with racetech manifold cracking. Bit that cracked withing a month and this has lasted over a year so suppose not too bad. Right so to fix it. Me pal Rich tig'd up the wastegate flange and added a little piece of stainless to try spread the load a little. And I set about making a support bracket for the underside of the turbo.
  12. Use a specialist insurer like footman James or greenlight. Should be able to have an agreed valuation you pay a little extra but not alot. I put 5k on mine.
  13. Absolutely needs load applied in order to lock up. And yes maybe required amount increases with wear. Unless your having an actual issue with the box tho. Personally wouldn't be splashing cash fixing something that isn't broken. I'm gonna film a burnout now lol
  14. Obviously cannot account for what it says in the manual. But it will slip a bit before locking up. S9b is torsen lsd rather than helical. Which I understand is almost identical but does have some minor differences which may account for its behaviour???
  15. It's normal for only one wheel to turn I can assure you that. I've had loads of LSD boxes over the years and all do that including my current one. And that works just fine
  16. Mine if anything are a touch long. Fine but fronts in particular were awkward to route.
  17. Asked and asked and asked for years never found one. Then Dan who was asking for speedlines the other day put one for sale. Snapped it up straight away.
  18. Dc2 but I sent them a message saying it was an mb6
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