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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Those d2 LCA are nice, used to have a set. Gone up in price though I bought from that same seller BHP factory for 93 quid
  2. @vtec2011 ooh a plan. sounds curious. Hmmmm. Yeah man send pics over. jakegamble @hotmail.com Cheers.
  3. @vtec2011 a grower for me definately. Just summit different I guess. And loads of rovers at scrapyard so easily replaced. Ahh OK. I'll have to look into some elsewhere. Defo want front doors and a tailgate.. And eventually some bumpers or get mine repaired
  4. @BiMU angle grinder very carefully
  5. @BiMU yeah I cut bit off shock aswell. Gonna take a bit more off then fit on thurs
  6. Yeah that's what I'm thinking. May end up having the rcar resprayed a while down the line anyway. Will see.
  7. Its a doddle 3 bolts out of solenoid and carb cleaner. Although id recomend changing filter its fragile. And seal with probably leak
  8. @Chandler. 6-7hrs maybe. But still was soft. one mirror got some marks In lacquer from putting it in a box full of bubble wrap. But t cutted out. So all polished up again now.
  9. @snakey135 Done the works mate. Plasticote primer and satin black dry real quick and autotek Lacquer. Lacquer was bit soft still. Even putting one in bubble wrap has marked the other one. Will polish out though im sure.
  10. Haha nice one man back in one. Me too. Love the red
  11. Flipping ek dave not sure many more mods you could do surely.
  12. @ammarbm thanks dude. Well I've done em black for now just to getvem on. One of my standard mirrors is smashed ya see hence the purchasebof these. Just soldered up the plug. Took some trial and error. Wiring plug and colours all different and cant find correct rover info on net.
  13. Very nice. Cracking on with it. Looks awesone
  14. @noodels is there an itr flywheel for sale there?? I'm after one. Gonna be changing my clutch soon. Our flywheel is a beast
  15. Just the pop off cover. Rest is in really good nik. Gonna do em black for now. Not sure I'll like it so may end up doing baikal
  16. Got home to a box... Pair of heated rover/mg wing mirrors. Get these babies panted up!
  17. KiNK43


    Touch wood never been stopped. Must look like a respectable citizen that's borrowed his mates car.
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