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Everything posted by NIKH25

  1. NIKH25

    Ecu loom

    How's it connected into the loom? If it's just spliced in, then you should be able to sort it without too much trouble. Changing the loom sounds like a nightmare.
  2. It is very hard to tell them apart unless they are side by side, it was probably sold to him as an ATR one. If it's a good price, why not get it anyway?
  3. Ok, I'm majorly disappointed with the lip, I'm sure it's down to the lacquer, I can't get a decent finish on it but it will have to do now, I have no time left to sort it. As you can see it just doesn't ping like the rest of the car and has an orange peel finish, I'll get some better lacquer at some point and try and get a smooth finish.
  4. You're a funny guy, that's why I'm going to kill you last.
  5. Cheers, I know, looks weird without it doesn't it?!
  6. It does look a bit flat black, when you get the lacquer on then it pings.
  7. No mate, yours looks damn good.
  8. Thanks mate, I'm not sure mine will be as gleaming as yours, Alex is a pro and has some serious kit, I'm just a keen amateur. Yeah, I'm not so sure about this batch of paint, my first lot was spot on but it definitely looks closer today than yesterday. I didn't prime cos I only rubbed it flat which is why I probably didn't use enough paint first time.
  9. No wonder you're grounding out then. As long as you can live with it.
  10. Well my lip spoiler is looking better this afternoon, I've offered it up and it looks much more like it, not the greatest finish but we'll see what the polish does. I couldn't really get much done yesterday because this was happening. So got on with some polishing today. So all nicely polished and waxed, she's flipping beautifully now. Lip spoiler drying in the background.
  11. Looking very tidy in there, that blue on the rocker cover is gorgeous.
  12. J&R on Egay, about £15 full kit each side. I got mine from there about 3 1/2 years ago and it's all good.
  13. The good thing with the Bilt Hamber one is you don't need a lube, just use water.
  14. Hopefully you will, yes. Hopefully we'll get a chance to chat next weekend and I'm sure one of us might be able to steer you in the right direction, Alex is the real pro and top chap to talk to.
  15. That's a good price. I usually buy Bilt Hamber from Opie @£12. I recommended that kit because I know he's going to halfrauds tomorrow and you do get the QD with that, which is nice.
  16. James, are these prices on an exchange basis or can you knock a few quid off if people send you a set to work with? I'd suggest you specify they send a set up front so you know what you're working with or maybe you could do a refundable deposit. I say this as Harv said when he was doing blacked out lights the sets he got back were sometimes in poor condition.
  17. Just replied in your project thread. http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_922503_langId_-1_categoryId_255233
  18. You've been polishing it every day? You may have too much polish on there, which is making the paint hazy, as I said in the detailing thread, try claying it first then SRP is good to use by hand (I'm assuming you don't have a DA). If you're making a trip to halfords then the megs quik clay kit is decent buy, some SRP and for wax I'd recommend either; megs deep crystal carnauba wax (a nice liquid wax), megs gold class liq wax or try the quick wax you asked about. They have a 3for2 offer on cleaning & detailing at the moment. Personally I prefer a paste wax but the only one they have that I would consider is an Autoglym one and that's £45 and I doubt you want to spend that much.
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