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Civic5 Supporter
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Everything posted by Krzys

  1. Least you can work on that and still be able to get around!
  2. Noodels has won! Well done mate! Both cars were deserving!
  3. Not looking too bad now dude! She'll be Bwah-ing again soon!
  4. If it does have the VTi front lip I reckon you should paint in PB too to go with the rest of the PB bits!
  5. Level pegging boys, get the campaign going! Like the Presidential elections but better and more relevant!
  6. I would'nt know anything about that!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, That's what she said!
  7. Ah man that's just uncalled for! People have no respect anymore!
  8. Wow, that's extortionate! Instead of £600 a year it works out at £600 a month! Sod that for a bag of chips!
  9. From that angle definite. This shot has sold them for me! Wasn't keen before Looks ace from that angle!
  10. Krzys


    Any more and we'd all think you drove like a Granny Well you and anyone else who saw on the facebook group while I was away all seemed to think I was granny shifting, not double clutching like I should! (Fast & Furious quote for those confused!) 426 miles to a full tank! Just added 1500ish miles to Becca last week! Yikes!
  11. I'm jealous of all the goodies! I want some! Next year will be my year for goodies!
  12. Sounds good! I'm struggling to find a local firm that deals with Clifford! Wanting a system fitting but it's a lot of £££ at a time I have none to spare
  13. Krzys


    # Quarter tank of fuel! have you seen how many mile's he's got to the tank so far I'd have been twice to the petrol station! x2, don't think he's trying hard enough. I will confess that I hadn't tried hard enough and that I'd also not reset the trip after having to do a splash and dash stop at 396 miles!
  14. Krzys


    Here's one for ya from last night!
  15. Just did a search on eBay for "Civic 1.5 gearbox" and came up with this.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Honda-Civic-9 ... 3f1d567c0c Or Item No.271075146764 Hope this helps!
  16. New stretch is bliss! That's just one long episode of VTEC though! yeah the new stretch is bliss, but i the lincoln grimsby run, some epic 90degree bend 2nd gear vtec pull. 1.5 mile hill near caistor to climb up perfect combo is 3rd vtec or 4th with iab's. some lovley wide road's to over take on, and people don't dawdle along at 45 even the truck's are at 50/55 most of the time, and NO SPEED CAMERA'S ASWELL Epic mate, sounds like paradise! well next time you fancy a trip to skeggy, instead of going along the a52, go along the a46 to cleethorpe's instead..... We did that route to Skeg on the August bank holiday! Trouble was I had shotgun in a mate Kia which has to be the most uninspirational failure of a people carrier ever!
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