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  1. Hi everyone, My name's Nishan, since ive been reading through some of the threads I figured id make an introductory post 🙂 Ive got an manual MC1 aerodeck with a D16W4 on 118k that I picked up as an MOT failure about a month ago for £800, its got an enormous stack of history and im the 3rd owner Been fixing her up slowly over the last month, getting the bits done for a fresh MOT, rear passenger caliper was seized when I bought it and was pretty much the first thing I did along with discs and pads both sides on the rear. Next issue to sort was the horn not working which I stupidly assumed was the clockspring since I had the exact same issue on my first car which was a D14 mb6 and I know its a common issue on old civics. Replaced it and ended up buying a used horn since my multimeter packed up so I just guessed it had to be one of the two. Replaced both the sidelight bulbs since they had burnt out and lastly i had an exhaust leak from the mid section and backbox, since someone had previously taken a few speed bumps pretty enthusiastically and put a nice collection of holes on the bottom managed to score the backbox and mid section for £100 on ebay brand new and almost finished fitting it last weekend, just need to drill out the old bolts to the cat that are pretty in there and that should pass me the MOT fingers crossed 😀. Im thinking of doing some coolant bypass bits as I've heard its a good modification on the D series engines. If anyone knows a thread that explains how best to go about it or has done it themselves please let me know, would be much appreciated Im aiming to put it on the road as my daily as I'm currently dailying a manual honda accord CM2 2.2 diesel which has a nasty bit of timing chain rattle, so im gonna switch them around and daily the civic while I replace the timing chain along with any other bits that need doing. Any info in regards to preventative maintenance on the aerodeck would be greatly appreciated as im not super well versed in the common issues these suffer from. Cheers guys 😁
  2. Hi. Been told by Dave to get some pics of my car up so here it is. [attachment=2]1Dawns Civic Aerodeck site.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=1]2Dawns Civic Aerodeck site.JPG[/attachment] And an arty one! [attachment=0]Dawns Civic Aerodeck.jpg[/attachment] It's a 1.6ES, so it has full leather interior, A/C, etc. I'm only the 2nd owner, so everythings as it should be! I put it into Honda to have the proper Honda front fog lights fitted, the Honda sunroof wind deflector and got an MP3 stereo too. Just wanting to change the wheels now. Love my aero to bits
  3. Hi guys, This is my MC2 VTI... more to come when I get around to finishing some internal tweaks....
  4. Hello guys, its been really rainy windy and average autumn. My car has been under a roof for the whole autumn so i dont know how its so wet in the spare wheel compartment, there was like a 1cm of water in there. For the first time since owning my car for 4 years i notised this problem. Anyone else have or had this problem? Im thinking of the sunfoor rear drains??
  5. Not mine... Looks clean from the photos https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266868581761?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hV4OwS1ISwC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=VPkI41u3Sse&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Hello i have a big issue with ruff running and not responding to throttle input correctly. So here we go. It started with not sometimes responding to throttle input and lagging when highway driving. Over the past year ive been having a lot issues of jerky driving in low gear, driving on the highway and the car like stalling if i dont press the throttle to get it running right again (very annoing to drive more than 100kms). Then i notised that there was oil in the sparkplug holes. previously i changed the valvecover gasket and the sparkplug hole gaskets. so the sparkplug hole gaskets were leaking for a long time after the change. one of the holes was full of oil. then i started to look at the ignition system for the fault. I took off the distributor cover and notised that the covers ignition points were very dirty it looked like some kind of powder and also the rotor was in a bad condition. i cleaned them and after that the car was running like normal for like ten minutes when driving and started to have the same issues again. Few weeks ago i changed the coil, distributor cap, rotor and cleaned the sparkplug holes of oil and the sparkplugs. All that didnt resolve the issues and now im kind of lost. Im thinking of ordering new gaskets and spark plug wires. If anyone has any suggestions or advice im open to them. Also im not a native english speaker so sorry if the text is hard to read
  7. Hello everyone, I’d like to share with you all, a purchase I’ve done via Facebook marketplace, of some OEM Honda MB/MC headlight covers. Bought them from Anthony Vickers, super nice dude who isn’t a scam like you see very often these days. Covers were packed very good so no damage at transport from the UK to the Netherlands thank god! Really stoked about these as you never see them! I like rare stuff so these will look nice in the collection for the car! Cheers!
  8. Hey everyone I had my Honda civic MB3 for over a year now but I wanted but put a Bee R rev limiter in de car for some pops and bangs but I have a stock ecu with a 26Pin 16Pin and 22Pin connector of a D15Z8 engine. So my question is it possible to put a Bee R in this car and witch wires do I need to use to make it work. I have looked online for information put I cant find any with this connector type. All of the video's online that I have seen are different wire ring and different connectors.
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