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Everything posted by simpo

  1. simpo

    Toyota mr2

    I heard that pretty back end happy
  2. simpo

    Toyota mr2

    Nice mr2 mate always wanted one of these but not wearing a sleeping bag led to two kids which means it's a no go for me lol
  3. Would be just like having a sticker on your car for year surely. So I would say it wouldn't take it off. As krzys says use a heat gun to take it off
  4. As above get a second hand on out another M not the sh1t Wilksey got lol. Very easy to change once door car is off just a number of 10mm bolts and a power cable which just unclips
  5. Couldn't be bothered to go out side and look then lol
  6. simpo

    S2k seats

    Look in his project thread mate won't be cheap with the rail
  7. I was think how hard would it be to turn it in to a manual
  8. Best way to do it keeps your emissions down better for the environment
  9. Back again lol you be catching up with me soon
  10. Prob best looking for crv lowering springs
  11. I had a transformers badge I was gunna give u at japfest but I forgot lol
  12. That's some power gain look forward to seeing it !
  13. I actually really like the new fiesta seen one the other day with like a st or rs kit on it looked really nice!
  14. Back box means exhaust So nice bits there look forward to seeing them on
  15. What legends! What's it coming to when the main dealer can't even do the job
  16. That's why I want it lol
  17. Damn I want this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331201659147
  18. Depends when you thinking of getting them! If it's a yeah or 2 then no prob not a waste but if your thinking of getting some in six months then yeah prob will be
  19. That's low lol. Where did you get your collies and how much?
  20. Got to be million x better than those sleeves
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