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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Hmmm sounds a long journey. Sure fuel both ways would counteract any saving. Is it n awkward job to do yaself on the mx?
  2. Cool cool. Yeah I know it's good stuff. But just always used 4 cus that's what's recommended. So do you need to flush the system of dot 4 first? Or can ya just bleed the 4 out the system and keep topping up with 5.1?
  3. Na fair play.they are silly money. I repaired mine on my old mb. Now think davemb2 got them. How much are those ones?
  4. Ahh mate. Old cars are always a pain in the arse. You've done such a good job just hang on I there
  5. Mate that's painful. yeah looks super nice on those wheels. I just don't get the whole dragging ya car down the road thing. Still looks lovely.
  6. @Krzys I'm a sucker too mate. The fact that they look cool makes me think there an upgrade. Touch wood mine are fine for now anyway
  7. Hmmm not great is it. Mine have probably done about the same milage but are ok. I do some fruity driving but not hammering the brakes like you would on track. Oem is sometimes best hey
  8. I'd just take manifold off and mask it at the head gasket. Literally just do front of block
  9. Haha yeah it was and still is a pain. serious my back is doomed. Well reason I did it black is cus I think silver painted looks bit tacky. But there was no way this box was gonna clean up as well as the last one. So I degreased it and blacked it. Not to everyone's taste I spose. Plus no way that box comin off to paint silver now. Lol.
  10. Fair play. Shame to see it go tho. Tis a beauty
  11. Could be a good shout. Those 2500 pads are supposed to be awesome
  12. Looks awesome man!!! Love it. Do t suppose ya know if those seats could have civic rails to go in a eg???
  13. Tis a shame. Not had any problems with my mtecs. Still good as new 2 years on not even a lip on them. I have dimpled and grooved. Your on the right lines. What about brembo disc? Not used them but surely they have a reputation to uphold.
  14. Cheers chaps. Now I've got a black gearbox think I need to black the block too. That's the next job then
  15. Lol all was well until filling up and the funnel fell over
  16. Nope.. me mums driveway.
  17. Jobs a gooden ya dingle berries! Well so far so good didn't thrash it but it selects all gears with minimal fuss or funny noises. Woop woop!! Please let me advise people gearbox swap on your own on axle stands is hard work. Insanely difficult trying to lift new box in. I'm in pain. Whilst it was on stands fitted the nissin super street pads too. Again not had a chance to really try them but should be better than smelly mintex.
  18. Wish me luck this new box works. Out with the old.... Pretty sure there's a failed bearing in there. Magnetic plug covered in iron filings.
  19. KiNK43


    Dunno. The lsds might be similar fit. But only way to put a s9b diff in a non lsd box is to take the final gear and countershaft with it.
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