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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. KiNK43


    Some y21 have lsd in them. May be worth checkin since box isnoff the car. But S9b Diff won't work in the other boxes. The final gear has a different number of mounting bolts. So ya can't just swap final gear onto lsd. From what be understand the y21 have weak synchros compared to the other boxes too. Mind you there all getting old now so all used boxes are prone to issues.
  2. KiNK43

    Rear LCA MB2

    defo. poly not much harsher. doubt youd notice it especially only on one bush
  3. KiNK43

    Mb3 sport rear brakes

    civics are pot luck rear brake wise. some have 262/262 some 262/242. very hard to make sense off what models will have what.
  4. 90 quid for a rear. 30 quid for a front. 1 hour labour for the rear. 2 hours labour for front. ish?
  5. I got hel lines. Fronts were short. Although they have been fine just routeÄ round other side of shock
  6. Wow yeah they do look good. Such nice rims!
  7. Thats what been doing today I got launch control on 5k so was just going for it.
  8. Just can't afford the outlay nowadays. I don't work so much so i can enjoy more time with the kids. When i started with the car I was doing silly hours so was a bit more flush I suppose. Anyway...@Grant Caps are 75mm at top, 70mm that goes in, 72mm at the tabs that hold them in if that makes sense.
  9. Yeah to be honest man I reckon I would be better off just pulling off fast as if I wanted to get out of a junction fast. Yeah maybe like 2-2.5k. Will try next time. Great fun though. Really enjoyed it..
  10. Nah its my old box.. noisey as hell. Checked gb fluid yesterday and it has bits of guff in it. So have had no sympathy today. Smashing it everywhere. Clutch dumping at 5-6k off the line. Lol. Car had a nice response actually. A lot of people commenting how tidy it is under the hood. I don't see it like that looks a mess to me. I'll measure those caps after a bath @Grant
  11. Had a great old day At santa pod. Done some runs on 1/4 mile. What I have learnt is that I can't launch for s**t. Spent the first 60 ft wheel spinning 1st and 2nd every time. I also learnt that my current gearbox wont select 2nd gear past 7500 rpm. Just locks me out. My best run was 14.6 @ 98mph That run was against an fn2 which took off well and got a good lead but after I had finished spinning on the start line managed to catch him and overtook. Which was nice. My friend lent me a go pro too. So will upload some vid when get them off him.
  12. Thanks chaps. @Grant nope I didn't sand between top coat and lacquer. Hope it's ok I tried on the center caps and the finish looked better in the one I didn't sand. Well to me anyway. Colour was quite textured anyway so didn't think it would need keying up.. hope not anyway. I'll measure caps later..
  13. Thanks mate! Can't wait to get em on actually. Be next month tho. Need new nuts and another pair of spacers
  14. More pics of wheels. Now lacquered. I tested out on the center caps. Preferred the finish Un sanded. Got texture which i really like so that's how the wheels have gone.
  15. Looks good with the flaps and stuff. Love it. Ahh man pain about the brakes. Blow lamp ftw!
  16. Awesome I bet it's a beautiful car to drive. And I'd imagine that extra torque from the k is noticeable. Very nice!
  17. KiNK43


    Well hope he gets a good send off!!!
  18. Well so far so good. Took a long time to prep maybe 10 hrs or so. And they ain't perfect. You should get on it! @Krzys
  19. @Krzys thanks mate. Bit lighter than I expected but they will do for sure. Done two will lacquer tomorow. Then do the other two. Yeah @Grant did a top bobbins job by look of it. I'll do whatever he did!
  20. Can't remember where it came from now. Might have been forbidden planet. I've had it a while, I will be putting a peg on my nose when the time comes to crack it open. Right so what next anyway?? Sand again and lacquer? Do I polish the lacquer? Or will it be ok?
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