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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Yeah sensors included @chandler. Boost gauge is also digital so has a sensor. If you spend a little more the next model up has daisy chained looms included. So much less faffing about with solder etc. But yeah quite happy with them.
  2. Have a look at a guide to socket an obd1 ecu because there's a few other components that are added as well as the socket itself. So could be worth checking those places for dry joints or anything suspect
  3. There from r spec. Decent price. And all stepper motor digital gauges. So do the old sweep at startup. To be honest not the ones I wanted. But stuck to me morals and di dnt spend the extra just on bling. I'm a more go than show kinda guy
  4. I use to have 16x7 et 40. 45 profile. Fit perfect no scrubbing. You sure it's not your mudflaps scraping?
  5. Can you get coil overs to fit these? Would look immense lowered and a splitter.
  6. Still waiting for a car to put things in. But Lots of bit turning up slowly. Got prosport gauges for boost,oil temp and oil pressure. So got the old soldering iron out and did the wiring. Used an iso extension so the power and lights are plug and play in any car. And I've used male and female molex power connectors for the sensors. So can be unplugged. They change colour to orange when headlights are on. And will be mounted in the space where the stereo was.
  7. I've ditched my power steering. It's fine man. Not that heavy at all. And as soon as your rolling even the slightest bit you won't even notice not havin ps. My arms are like pipe cleaners and its fine
  8. Yeah man its the ignitor. Can buy them separate and repair the dizzy. Just more often than not the dizzy is replaced.
  9. Hard to say dude. I'm not any one can give you that answer. Long winded. But spend a little before a lot. Buy a base map chip from eBay whack it in see if works.
  10. If you want to use your d series obd2 loom. It will work you may need to swap your injectors over and possibly replace the dizzy plug and extend a few bits. Also add vtec wire all the way back to ecu if non vtec. Hard to say specifically because we don't know exactly what part's you have.
  11. First things first. You should have some grey connectors. In your engine bay on the shock tower in front of battery. This is where your 2 part loom separate's. So has the new engine loom got these same connectors???
  12. Can't necessarily explain the low oil pressure light. Apart from the fact the engines stalled. So if you've say disengaged clutch once engone cuts out oil pressure will drop instantly. As for the main problem cutting out. Sounds like a faulty ignitor. Although they are available separately. It's usually a case of replacing the dizzy. Usually will throw code 15. Ignition output signal or something similar. Seem to fail around the 100k mile mark for whatever reason. Read that code first see what it's saying before jumping to any conclusions but likely the dizzy from what you've said.
  13. Chips are flashable so any tuner would use the existing chip and overwrite it. Triple h should be able to a new chip from a saved file. You can also revert the p28 back to its original rom see if the car idles then. There's a location on the back of the board called J1 iirc. Two points will be soldered there. If you cut or remove that link. Will revert back to stock p28 rom
  14. To has bullied me into a small front plate aswell
  15. Be pretty straight forward. Loom wise..These use a 2 part loom like an eg. So depending on obd of your engine depends on loom options. Obd1?
  16. Wkd mate I was only looking at a red one with 33k on the clock today. Love em. And the first owner.. Mrs silvia buying a Nissan! Awesome. Gonna keep glued to this one.
  17. May help. But I have an air box from d series eg and I also have airbox from b series m. Made by different manufacturers but both identical mountings and dimensions.
  18. Ms are a funny mash up anyway. Seemed to chuck owt into them. The b18s have ob2 ecu with obd 1 plugs. Injectors and dizzy etc all obd2 but no diagnostic port. Bit odd.
  19. What year is your car? The late late ones are obd2 I believe. @Chandler can you shed some light?? I remember you saying that your deck has an standard 16 pin obd port. Whereas most others don't.
  20. Ah mate that sucks. Seriously you do have bad luck. But you perservere and you end up with an awesome result
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