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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Awesome good addition for sure. Bleeding brakes is no fun whatsoever. Especially on ya tod
  2. Not sure about abs codes sure there will be someone here knows. But answer previous question you can swap trailing arms. To have discs. Prop valve from disc car probably a good idea too
  3. Yeah just go for it dude. Can follow ecu reset procedure if wanted with the engine up to running temp.
  4. Yeah I paid as a service. Doing me head in. Got faith package may turn up.. buuuut its not going to is it? I'll stick a claim in then. Tis hard not being able to use window in this weather. Got me tongue hanging out sun roof trying to cool off
  5. Zs180 stuff. Mode the fronts a bit with a grinder. Although I reckon zs120 would just sit right straight away
  6. Pretty sure this happened to @philgor New mirror
  7. KiNK43

    Arch rolling.

    Awesome thanks again mate!
  8. Ben Watton. Everyone vouches for him. But he's messing me about summit wrotten.
  9. Done loadsa little bits on this. But waiting on deliveries. Few bits on the way. Getting seriously p**sed off with Facebook breaker. Bought parts to repair my window. Never turned up. Says he sent again. Not turned up. Incredibly hard to get hold of. Rediculous. And still got a ruined window and trims hanging off Also I mentioned before there was a weird dink in the rear quarter. Well I fixed it. Ground it out filler primer paint and lacquer. Really chuffed with it. Colours spot on. Saved myself 150 notes.
  10. Good advice. I can vouch for mg stuff pretty decent actually. And cheap
  11. Give it a whirl see how it feels. Never gonna get huge gains. But can certainly change the character of the engine if it's a suitable map.
  12. @snakey135 yeah man on my list of things to do. Lop a section out. Either lop the whole end off or two circular cutouts one for each gear
  13. all eg ek or whatever springs fit but hard to estimate what drop your gonna achieve using springs from another model.
  14. Ooh mate I'm familiar with those beasts.. d2s are so firm it's redonkulous. Like a kick in the sphincter every bump. Looks nice though!
  15. Well ya can map em if socketed so can be worth it yeah.
  16. So really you needn't do anything. Plug P28 in. Iabs will be disabled
  17. You can add iabs control to a P28. But doesn't work as is. The iabs will remain open all the time with a P28. If you wanted to double disable them. You pull the vac line off the diaphragm on right side of intake mani and bung it.
  18. KiNK43

    Arch rolling.

    Thanks. Now just hope that filler stays in!
  19. KiNK43

    Arch rolling.

    @Chandler please mate if that's cool.
  20. Was gonna say the same thing. Check ignition timing and again ecu reset. Let it recalibrate.
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