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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. More than expected can get a decent runner for around 3k
  2. What a poop. Feck it then if runs good otherwise. May be something as silly as pcv valve wants renewing.
  3. Good times man. Look forward to the footage
  4. @Roj @Krzys @ unicyclingtom Can add me to the list. I'm desperate to get involved. Realistically I need a quieter exhaust and just some good company to go on track with. And I'm there.
  5. Check this website for how to identify cams. http://www.ff-squad.com/tech/temp/VtecCams.htm Wish I'd known previously I bought b16a cams for top wack only to get car mapped made 174bhp. I know better now. And got some real ones.
  6. You can check cams take rocker off and the end cam retainer and you can check what cams are fitted. Yes it would give more power if mapped. But that dyno printout has been made to give a good reading. As I said further up your wheel horse power is 136.5hp. 15% loss through transmission.
  7. @Krzys ahhh OK I have a spare set. I'll check that. Good shout!
  8. @now ya mention it @UnicyclingTom Yeah I think it is.
  9. Minor updates. Painted my boot to match my wheels. Liking the look but feel I need to make car a bit more aggressive looking so planning some cosmetic upgrades soon. Mechanically it wants for nothing so may aswell. Driving to japfest2 my mate pointed out one if my rear lights was dimmer than the rest. Really upset me haha.its the only one that isn't a double filament bulb. So bought 4 new ones all same make 3x 5/21w and 1x 5w. Still dull. Ffs. Gonna have to change holder for double filament and just use 5w. Annnnnnd I fitted my new steering wheel. I love it. OEM+ ftw! And can pop middle out when I want that track look. Oh yeah.
  10. Ooh thatvis a messy old job for sure. Eeewww
  11. Haha impressive. So what was it in the end?
  12. Cheers chaps. Yeah grant will have to have a go. I noseyed about other cars on Sunday and noticed a starlet with washers over that sleeve so may need to do the same? Who knows I'll have a play.
  13. KiNK43

    Need some help!

    All good advise for sure. Hub nuts are a stinker. A good shock with a hammer will often help. If you've got a machine mart near you they do an impact gun for 60 odd quid. Very very good strong bit of kit. Mines took some real stick. Defo worth investing. Makes these jobs and suspension jobs infinitely easier. Manifold studs eek. Lots of wd and leave some time would certainly help.
  14. I've got a Kenwood kdc6541u headunit and its really nice. OEM m speakers sounds great with it actually. Really punchy. Unfortunately I have vibe slick 6 speakers in my eg and they sound pretty awful Need some cheapish decent upgrades really
  15. I'd made that assumption too. Will whack some 5.1 in mine too then.
  16. No scrappys like that round here robbing gits. You've done well there!
  17. Good man its gonna be sweet after that lot jeez
  18. These bad boys turned up the other day aswell.. Bone shaker
  19. Pics don't do it justice how good it looks on those wheels. What are they btw?
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