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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Weeeeeellllll. I've broke my car. Fitted the poly engine mounts. Side ones are a doddle. Had to swap one of the posts on gearbox to other while and use a long bolt in the remaining hole. This rear mount was a complete nightmare. Worst job ever. All finished. And I have broke my car. Shakes so much
  2. Me too. Hovered over buy on nardi wheels so many times. But glad I waited for my black magic wheel.
  3. @chandler. That makes more sense
  4. That is a lovely colour on those wheels. Almost look gold plated!
  5. Would an adjustable decat be the answer?
  6. Smashing mate. Looks like a beauty. What these 170bhp?? I've read about ca18 having bottom end problems at like 90-100k. Crazy. My dad had an immaculate s12 1.8 turbo for years and it took a pasting was great.
  7. Very smart mate. Car looked superb at japfest2
  8. Sounds as though the clutch could be on its last legs rather than an actual engine problem.
  9. Rimmer Bros will do them for rovera. although a body shop will be able to fashion a small piece to weld in if its just the corners. No point cutting the whole arch outbid its solid.
  10. What the difference in the subframe??? I'm confused. I swapped subframe from my mb6 onto eg no probs. Then messed about with racks that was fine also. Dc2/eg stuff is always considered the same isn't it.
  11. Diabolical at best I'd say!
  12. See what I have to put up with aswell... How close to me bumper?!
  13. Light perturbance resolved thanks @krzys. Not damaged reflector just there isn't one. Shame lights don't split nicely to put one in. So bitbof tin foil and some silicone later.byou can see where this is going..
  14. Ooya bean pole. Yellow gonna be tight! Will keep you busy mate!
  15. Don't be put off. I think some people in the past have caused problems. Hence the rules. There there to make buying a bit safer for people.
  16. Still could use it for a skinny latte.
  17. @Chandler I think hairspray can would probably fall over in it.
  18. Get one from a car breaking @10000rpm Or just take it off. Doesn't do anything really.
  19. There's a for sale section dude. Classifieds I think it's called. Possible you'll need a minimum number of posts or something aswell.
  20. Well I apologise if I gave you bad advice. It's a common thing switching racks about usually no bother.
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