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Everything posted by Grant

  1. You might take the hint one day ! But Ditto to what both of you have said!
  2. Nice mate .. Love CF goodies !
  3. Mate come on, use a new thread for question like this. Or better yet, theres a search bar up the top .. This thread is for Ben's car. All lip kits will be second hand now. You'll need to keep your eyes open.
  4. It was the original thread that found mine ! In fact, it was @simpo who found it !
  5. I am a real hater of all these driver assists etc .. The EK was much much much better on track without ABS .. I never give the deck enough to need it too often anyway tbf .. But i prefer to control it myself rather than have a machine do it for me!
  6. Shouldnt take longer than a day mate so here's hoping!
  7. I'll say again, great work mate
  8. Pah !! I'm on the bike to the gym at 6.20 three mornings a week and then again 4 nights a week going down about 8.30 and coming home at 10 !! No excuse! I personally wouldnt drive it mate .. Over heating too far will feck your head gasket in the end ...
  9. Firstly mate, 4 miles to work .. Id walk .. Its probably an air lock issue by the sounds of it .. And the pressure of the air in the system is forcing itself out somewhere .. Perhaps by the thermostat if its not been sealed properly. Either way, as you've had it done by a mechanic, there's not a lot of point looking into it, just take it back and let him sort it ..
  10. Wont be heat soak mate .. Unless its stuplidly close to Mani .. I just use the recommended copper NGK's mate ..
  11. Yeah i know Alex! Looks alot better, just needs a proper clean now and take out the pump!
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