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  1. I text Jonny last night as I haven't seen him and he has the only key for the car to start it, he is coming in the next day or so I will talk to him then. I will put his response on here so you know. The car still looks so clean, so glad we had a garage.
    8 points
  2. Sadly Nick passed away from unforseen health issues. Nick was a popular member of civic5 from the very day he joined back in 2010, always helpful to everyone,and always up for a laugh. He was also a valued member of the Civic5 Team, and helped run our Facebook group. A true Civic M enthusiast, Nicks own Civic was a stunning MB6 VTiS, which he loved. He spent time and money making the car mint, and had it to a few meets too. He was a regular in the forum, even logging on when he was in hospital while waiting to go into surgery for a kidney transplant! A true gent, he will be massively missed in our club. Nick leaves a wife and 2 daughters. Both Nick and his civic will be forever remembered everyone here at civic5.com R.I.P. mate
    8 points
  3. Wow no way! I can't believe it Thank you to all of you who vote for my diamand. Never think it could happen one day^^ So much hard work and time to get this, my love for these car is well-know. It's the best present she could give me I'm very very happy thank you so much for her. Was hard with ringo @hondasport your car is amazing too
    7 points
  4. im not dead just been busy getting the car ready for my eurotrip this year taking the car through France, Brussels, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, then along the French cost and back to England in a few months so been busy planning that. big update will come in time heres a pic on my baby's together
    7 points
  5. my entry is going to be grants http://civic5.com/forum/index.php/topic/7912-grants-vti-pb-decked-deck/
    7 points
  6. Found a nice place near my house and I thought it was the perfect opportunity for some photo whoring. Hope you guys like the pics
    7 points
  7. 7 points
  8. Better let you all in in whats happened! Basically, I've been getting fed up having all these cars!!! My prime objective was to spend all my time (and money) on DD making her into a show car. But after buying Ruby back, it meant I didnt have the time to do it with running 3 cars, and spending time on all three. So I had to get rid of either Ruby or Lexy. This is where my rpoblem began, because I love them both, but for different reasons. Ruby for the speed, the handling, and the memories tied up in her. Lexy for the creature comforts, all the toys, and the safety. With meeting Gayle, my priorities in life have changed, as its not just me to think of anymore, I've got Gayle and my new familt to think of. So Lexy was winning the battle on the safety side. But she didnt have the fun factor that Ruby has! So it was back to even scores again. But the thought of ruby being a daily driver, even during the winter, wasnt going to work. Shes crap in the snow, and would be even worse with the lowered suspension. So again, lexy was staying and ruby was going. So had a look at a lot of other options, like selling lexy and buying something different, like an S2000 or and MX5. But again, both would be hopeless in the winter, and with only 2 seats, would only be any good if it was just me and Gayle going out. Soooo, as of today, that idea was canned! Then Gayle gave me the solution! Have the best of both worlds, the best of ruby and the best of lexy! So today we went into Honda and traded Lexy in for a stunning Civic TypeR in alabaster silver with the optional Rage alloys! Was a huge step to take, but the right one. This way, I still have the fun to drive car that ruby is, and with everything that I love about the TypeS, all the toys etc. And most importantly, one hell of a safe car to be in should the worst happen. So Lexy waves bye bye on Wednesday, and the TypeR takes her place. Ruby will be going hopefully soon after. It will save me money on insurance, road tax and mean I have all the time in the world to concentrate on the deck. She is going to be turned into the most perfect M that I can achieve, and even though shes mint just now, she is going to be a show stopper. Wont have 3 cars to tax, insure, mot and service, just 2. And those two will fit all my needs. So there ya have it guys, the reasons behind the madness! To be honest, I'm actually relieved that Gayle came to the rescue with that idea, as I have genuinely been having trouble sleeping trying to figure out what to do. Knew whatever one I sold Id regret it, for the reasons i loved that paricular one. This way, I can have the best of all worlds. Safe, fast, fun and all mod cons! So as Im at a different place in my life now, I can lock all the happy memories with Ruby and Dawn, and with Ruby and Gayle, in a wee box and keep them there forewver. My lifes on a new chapter now, and time for new memories to be made. So Gayle and me will be having lots of fun with the TypeR, and making new memories to look back on.
    7 points
  9. I'm aiming to find the cash to buy it and keep it in the club hope fully won't sell to soon!! I'm will drop in a donation as he only lives down the road. I still can't believe it
    7 points
  10. Wheels on I can change the front and back by jacking up the front all on...
    7 points
  11. Couple from japfest I found love the second one that mod godz took
    7 points
  12. Thanks to the both of you. Tomorrow i will have a brake on work and i´m going to mount my new tail lights. I will upload the photos in here and some other pics of my MB For now i will have to wait, and see the ones that are in here And this one that i took yesterday: P.S: in the back you can see a little of my parents machine a Toyota Starlet From the late 80's.
    7 points
  13. but don't worry chaps i'm not leaving civic5,,, no way in hell, civic5 is my family now and will always be part of my life
    7 points
  14. Just a quick thanks to all the votes i have received, sorry i haven't been on much on the last 6 months posting wise, just been moderatoring and keeping a eye on you lot lol
    7 points
  15. Somebody Stop This Man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep telling my mrs this M is going to be the best and most modified M in the world LOL, i think it may just be or if not end up being just that...
    7 points
  16. See update at bottom of post December 2020 Credit to member Hickster for the list. HONDA CIVIC 'M' SERIES COMPATIBILITY DATABASE Civic5 accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions from this database and all that STEERING AND SUSPENSION COMPONENTS *Wheel and tyre info....Stock ET is 45 for all M's (widest recommended rim with this et is 6.5" at r15? ). DC2 alloys need spacers to fit over 282 calipers *Springs and shock absorbers....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs. DC2 coilovers will need the Integra LCA. Matched springs and shocks are specific to the weight of the model so Aerodeck are different as are other civics or Integras. *Front upper wishbone....Same as dc2/eg/400/45/zs. EK is different the bushes are pressed into the arm. *Front lower wishbone....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Front hub carrier and balljoints....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Hubs....All M's use 4 x100 pcd hubs from contemporary civics except the MB6 which uses 4 x 114.3 (4.5") pcd hubs from the Integra and Prelude. *Front ARB....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs. To upgrade arb size you will need to change the body mounting bushes *Rear ARB....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs. To upgrade arb size you will need to change the body mounting bushes. *Front suspension bushings....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Track rod ends....Same as 45/400/zs *Steering rack...Same as 45/400 *PAS pump...Non Honda engined Rovers use flexible hosing (mounted on right of engine) *Rear trailing arm....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs. Drum versions can not be converted to disc. *Rear upper control arm....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Rear lower control arm....Same as dc2/eg/ej/400/45/zs. Some LCA's do not have a mounting for an ARB. *Rear toe adjuster....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Trailing arm (compliance) bush....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Rear suspension bushes....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs BODY PANELS AND LIGHTS *Front bumper....All different, to change MA to MB you also need to change bonnet (and front crossmember?) MB6 front lips will not fit the MA without modification. *Rear bumper....MB will fit MA *Sideskirts........MA/MB/45/400/ZS all fit the same mounting points. Vti-s and ZS180 having variations in style. *Front wings....All different *Bonnet....All different. *Bonnet catch and struts....MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same. Catch lever varies on MA. *Scuttle cover....MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same *Windscreen....MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same *Door glass.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same *Tailgate....MA/MB same apart from number plate surround. *Tailgate catch and struts....MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same, all standard struts will take the weight of the standard vti spoiler. *Doors.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same *Headlights.... MA/MB slightly different outer shape. There are no aftermarket headlights. *Taillights....MB fit MA, MB have clear indicators, MA amber. *Side repeaters.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same *Fog lights....MA and MB have slightly different surrounds? *Wing mirrors.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS all fit same, some electric, some manual *Sunroof.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS same. *Handles and other trim pieces.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS same apart from number plate surrounds/ rear light trims. INTERIOR *Front seats and rails....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same fitting. Other Honda seats will need modification to the rails. *Rear seats and rails....MA/MB same ZS will not fit. *Centre console....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same fitting. Some models have a centre arm rest that fits all M's *Dashboard....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same fitting. The MB6 vti-s has carbon dash inserts. *Steering wheel....MA/MB same MB6 has leather finish. Rover will fit but are trispoke so you will not be able to get rid of the Rover airbag and logo. (DC2 will fit with modification?) *Steering column....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Switches etc....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Instrument cluster....MA/MB/400/45 same. (ZS 180 and MB6 have different tacho's?) *Door cards....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Pillar trims....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Headlining....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Rear mirror....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Parcel shelf....MA/MB *Audio components....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same. The MB6 and some Rovers have better speakers and door tweeters that fit all M's. BRAKING COMPONENTS *Front discs....262 except MB6 which uses the 282 system. Some companies make 282 rotors to fit 4x 100 hubs (generally as an upgrade to EG civics) *Rear discs/drums *Front calipers....Single pot lucas 262 system. Same as 400/45/ZS/EG/EK. 282 for MB6. *Rear calipers....Same as 400/45/ZS/EG/EK/EJ. *Master cylinder....Same as 400/45/ZS/EG/EK/EJ.(?) Does the 'teg use this too? *Brake fluid.... *Brake hoses....Same as 400/45/ZS/EG/EK. Drum and disc versions are different. ECU AND ELECTRICAL OBD Loom/ aftermarket wiring Lamda IACV FIT VTEC controlers Fuses and resistors Battery Alternator D SERIES ENGINES- D14A2, D14A4, D14A3 (EDM), D14A8, D15Z1, D15Z8, D16B2, D16Y5. Engine mounts Sparkplugs Engine oil Oil filter Fuel filter Distributer HT leads Valves and valvetrain parts Cam Cambelt Cam gears Crank Pistons Con rods Intake Throttle body Intake manifold Radiator Fan Thermostat Coolant FI info B SERIES ENGINES- B18C4 Same sort of stuff TRANSMISSION COMPONENTS Shifter UJ Shift rod Extension rod Shift bushings Clutch Master cylinder Reservoir Release cylinder Gearbox Gearbox oil Driveshafts EXHAUST COMPONENTS Manifold....B and D series engines use a slightly different manifold Cat section....UKDM cat (different length from the JDM cat) Mid section....MA/MB all same (?) do rover fit? Backbox....MA/MB all same except Aerodeck which has a longer tail (?) There's probably a lot I've missed off, might be best to improve it as we fill out the list? We probably ought to have glossary for terms (stuff like DC2, EG, ITR, IM, PCD) to make it accessible for noobs and non Honda geeks UPDATE 8/12/2020: REPAIR PANELS: Brand new sills: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143504334196
    7 points
  17. Yes I kid you not, I've been off the radar for a while but I'm back to introduce to you my new weekend toy, Steve! A few quick details/spec for you: 1999 123k miles (added a few miles already though!) RB25DET - Standard (Supposed to be 280bhp) Fresh import, landed in the UK December 2016 Turbo back 3" Fujitsubo exhaust HKS dumpvalve Blitz turbo timer Rays alloys Tape deck! I can't believe how comfortable the car is and I think it's pretty quiet while you're inside too! Love how it sounds too! I'm just glad it's not the everyday car because it gulps VPower for s**ts and giggles!
    6 points
  18. Been a while since I have updated the thread, only done a few small changes. After fitting the extended wheel studs I bought some hubcentric spacers to pull the wheels out. Dont have any other pics yet but you can see the wheels are sat flush with the arches now. Also replaced the grill bezel with a carbon dipped one. Had the windows retinted and got a set of climair wind deflectors which are so much better than team hekos. I will upload some more pics later today.
    6 points
  19. 6 points
  20. Love the look of this, and a hatch needs to win lol
    6 points
  21. Not a bad thing a girl playing with nuts
    6 points
  22. So after watching numerous auctions and trying to get my hands on a set of Lenso RS5 but failing every time finally I won a set on auction at bargain price. These are 16x7jj with 195/45/16 Jinyu tyres. All tyres got really good tread so no complains.. The wheels are not too bad.. All have curb damage but I can live with that for now.. Might get them refurbished at some point..I have fitted them and they are perfect but I didn't get a chance to take any good pics as it got too dark but here is a pic of the wheels so enjoy
    6 points
  23. All I can say is I love the look of both deck and hatch yes I have two Mbs but would love a deck to No cash for that Project k28 deck.
    6 points
  24. I had to work till Friday before Japfest2 so started working on the car on Saturday evening as I was busy till afternoon. First replaced the front bumper..Resprayed the Front Lip to make it fresh..and then started the side bump strips and door handles..weather was terrible and it was so windy..but I managed to finish it by 11.00pm ..Also added the sunstrip with Honda decal..Finished washing the car Sunday morning at 6.00am This is how it looked on Sunday morning Sunday Morning Car Wash..people must be thinking what's wrong with this guy washing his car at this time lol Picture taken by Maz Photography Picture taken by Turbo Charged Photography Picture taken by Photography-UK Picture taken by Mod-Godz Absolutely loved the attention my MB got...First time all my efforts and hard work has been acknowledged by professionals..Its far from over though..Still think of loads of things I can do
    6 points
  25. 6 points
  26. Little pic from today... Crap quality though
    6 points
  27. Hello lads!! Been away on hols for a week or so!! Now i'm back i cant wait to get in the old girl and give her a seeing to!!!
    6 points
  28. Projector headlights and USDM mods fitted today! Massive thanks to @Chandler for the USDM kit, @dinochips for the projectors and @philgor for the advice on the HID kit! First off a quick action shot! Now for the photos of the job! Don't worry, the bumper is sat on a bit of carpet! Sidelight. Dipped headlight. All fitted, battery went flat though whilst testing, gave me a bloody heart attack when I saw the lights flicker and go out though! All reassembled! Some whoring shots! Look what else has come today!! Right lengths too by the looks of it!
    6 points
  29. So this update was ment to happen before japfest but in the end I ran out of time. so have changed a couple things on my mb only small stuff but still cool. Starting with the plastic bit bellow the windscreen. I decided to pull off the matt faded black version and replace it with one I had sprayed in 2 packed black. old version: new version: small mod but nice Next mod is my side skirts, Thanks to my good friend Adam RHD i got another set of vti skirts which I wanted to spray body colour to test the look. out with the old in with the new. car looks like this now and the last simple mod is. the classic JDM rear light mod which i love and from that japfest happened and it was awsomeeeeeee!! so i will end this update with a nice photo of my M from the day.
    6 points
  30. Ok so update!! The infamous Mr Chandler came over today. And all I can say is wow!!! I started and hour or so before he arrived and him and I spent 7 hours on her today. Wash, Clay (several times it was that bad, bilt hamber) machine polish with multiple going overs, more claying and finally a wax. I'll let the pics talk ..... All set up, although it had to come down as nearly blew away ... Not many WIP pics as we were both busy most of the time .. But the man hard at work. Some reflection shots. And some of then together ... These were before polishing. Bit I like the shots. Photos do not do it justice. It's amazing. The finish is absolutely incredible to what it was. It has brought out the purple flakes so much. In the sunlight it absolutely comes to life. I can't express the gratitude for Alex coming over and doing the machining. Also helping to clay as I was behind on time! And the wax! Oh dear god, the waxes are amazing. We used a combination, I'll let Alex let you know what they were but they all smelt brilliant and the finish is fucking stunning. And it helps that he's a top bloke and we had a great day! Slightly jealous of your cleaning gear though, there is massive £££££ invested there and it shows. Top man, cheers mate.
    6 points
  31. Replaced the drivers side wing mirror, mine was cracked but got a good one from our Phil!
    6 points
  32. Got the tyres fitted this evening! going to try and book the car in for a 4 wheel alignment hopefully this week, actually feels good to spend a little money on the car for once other than fuel!
    6 points
  33. Took inspiration from ammarbm's MB2 for my Civic5 sticker placement. But for the other side I decided to use the "I Heart My MB" sticker instead. And a couple of photos because why not? The spare Civic5 sticker will be going on the MB3 by the way.
    6 points
  34. Look what I recieved from Sir 8-4 Weekday Spammer Esq. this morning!! Was in stitches when my boss came down with it saying, i didnt know you had a knighthood!! Lool
    6 points
  35. As said above you need to keep us interested or we easily get...Oh look theres a police car just pulled up in my cul-de-sac Wonder what they want ??? Where was i oh yeah... Sidetracked mate so keep the mods coming or you may fall fail to random
    6 points
  36. Been and got the torx set, all done!
    6 points
  37. Dc2 front with OEM bumper might be the way to go if i was doing this!!! As said so many varied opinions on this... Shows the capabilities of this forum... So many different views aired in one thread but all accepting each others views!! Great stuff C5!!!
    6 points
  38. the deck thread has been done http://civic5.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8129-the-daily-pt2-of-the-white-collectionthis-is-not-a-project-is-the-its-the-family-ride-lol/#entry170901
    6 points
  39. Yea those ones look sweet and cheaper too although I clicked the buy it now on the others. Woops, but anyways, Should get them this week and il do a write up about them. Let you know the difference.
    6 points
  40. Yes mate a barge! Bored of it ...sellng it
    6 points
  41. Hi guys big thanks again for the car of the year runner up, again for the 3rd year running MAKES ME A VERY PROUD PERSON TO HAVE SUCH A TITLE FOR 3 YEARS RUNNING AND THAT YOU GUYS HAVE LOVED & APPROVED AT WHAT I'VE DONE TO THE CAR IN THAT TIME!!! Chuffed to bits really 8-)
    6 points
  42. What better way to start 2014 than with a VIP Gold membership Yay
    6 points
  43. Thanks for the nice comments mate, Dawn would be pleased! As Mr Brown said, the price Dawn paid to get this done professionally would make most peoples eyes water! lol But she always knew she would never sell the car, so it wasn't an issue. All I can say is that the price is over £1600, but every car is different, depending on what you want. Dawns was the first aerodeck the company has ever done, and the only civic m they've had that had the colour combination that Dawn decided on. Most go for the inner bits of the seat in colour, or the wee side bits like an mgzs, but dawn wanted to be different so got the outer sections done in colour. Give Transcal UK a call mate and see what they can do for you, really nice friendly staff and very helpful. Even got a designer there to help you out too. Mentions Dawns deck so they know the exact Honda Civic you have (I'm sure they'll remember Dawn, she had them in stitches when she visited! (just realized the pun there!! lol)
    6 points
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