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  1. Hi, it is Sue, Nicks wife. I hope you don't mind me doing a comment. I like to thank all of you for your support. This forem was Nicks thing and it is lovely seeing what he meant to people. I lost my sole mate the morning Nick died. My girls keep me going. It is so hard. I hope to meet some of you at the funeral, I wish we wasn't meeting in such a bad way.
    9 points
  2. I text Jonny last night as I haven't seen him and he has the only key for the car to start it, he is coming in the next day or so I will talk to him then. I will put his response on here so you know. The car still looks so clean, so glad we had a garage.
    8 points
  3. Sadly Nick passed away from unforseen health issues. Nick was a popular member of civic5 from the very day he joined back in 2010, always helpful to everyone,and always up for a laugh. He was also a valued member of the Civic5 Team, and helped run our Facebook group. A true Civic M enthusiast, Nicks own Civic was a stunning MB6 VTiS, which he loved. He spent time and money making the car mint, and had it to a few meets too. He was a regular in the forum, even logging on when he was in hospital while waiting to go into surgery for a kidney transplant! A true gent, he will be massively missed in our club. Nick leaves a wife and 2 daughters. Both Nick and his civic will be forever remembered everyone here at civic5.com R.I.P. mate
    8 points
  4. Wow no way! I can't believe it Thank you to all of you who vote for my diamand. Never think it could happen one day^^ So much hard work and time to get this, my love for these car is well-know. It's the best present she could give me I'm very very happy thank you so much for her. Was hard with ringo @hondasport your car is amazing too
    7 points
  5. Thanks for the lovely comments guys. For those who couldn't attend, thought I'd give a wee insight into the day. Jim's funeral was, well, massive! Even knowing him as closely as I did, even I didn't realize just how many people loved the big guy. Was a truely amazing turn out. We were at the back of the funeral precession from Jim's house in Mayfield, and it went down to Woodburn and along the street where he was brought up and along the streets we used to play in when we were kids. It then went along the "Whitecraigs" road (a lot of the Scottish meets have taken in this route to get to the first meeting point) which is where Jim and I had our "race track". Many's the day we had fun racing along that road with all it's bends and hairpins (all at the speed limit officers! ) . It then went onto the dual carrigeway towards Seafield where the crematorium is. Funny, it was almost like a civic5 meet, with Jim in the lead car and us at the very rear. We were making sure the precession stayed together, moving out to the outside lane to slow traffic when coming to roundabouts to make sure we all stayed together. Felt like I was his wing man, like we both have been for each other all our lives. The precession then turned in to the big bus depot where he worked, and all the drivers were lined up outside the main building, and alll gave him a salute as he went past. Really did bring a lump to your throat and a tear to our eyes, he was so well thought of. The funeral service was really different. I had been asked to write a few stories from our past when we were growing up, and so did Joanne. First funeral I've ever been to where the people were all laughing there heads off, even the minister! Just what Jim would have wanted! Although he might have a few things to say to me when I see him on the other side again for embarrassing him!!!! lmao Even Civic5 was mentioned a lot! One of the stories was about when Gayle, Paul and me were on our way to Japfest and we met Jim in his big bus on the motorway. The antics he pulled that day were hilarious! He'd really wanted to go but couldn't get the time off work, so instead thought it would be a great idea to race DD with a double decker bus!! The looks on his bosses faces when they heard the story was priceless!!!!! In true Jim style, we went into the funeral to Queen "don't stop me now" and came out to Queen "We will rock you", and at the tea after it there was Queen playing all through the tea. Even at the tea, every table there were people swapping funny stories about him, and it was all fun an laughter. Again, what he would have wanted and captured the spirit of who he was and what he was about. The world will never be the same again now he's gone, but I'm lucky to have known him, proud to have been his best mate right to the end, and happy to have all these great memories. RIP mate.
    7 points
  6. im not dead just been busy getting the car ready for my eurotrip this year taking the car through France, Brussels, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, then along the French cost and back to England in a few months so been busy planning that. big update will come in time heres a pic on my baby's together
    7 points
  7. my entry is going to be grants http://civic5.com/forum/index.php/topic/7912-grants-vti-pb-decked-deck/
    7 points
  8. Found a nice place near my house and I thought it was the perfect opportunity for some photo whoring. Hope you guys like the pics
    7 points
  9. 7 points
  10. It's really nice to hear you in the forum Sue. I think it mat help you being in here too aswell as FB, as you'll feel the love we all have for Nick here too, and as always, we're always here for you if you need us. When I was reading the pm you sent me on FB, I was honestly fighting back the tears, really brings it all back to me about when I lost Dawn. Losing your soul mate is the hardest thing you'll ever have to go through, and it leaves such a massive hole in your heart that you feel can never be fixed. But through time with the help and support of your friends and family (including everyone here too), you'll find your way through it. And although a lot of people aren't lucky enough to ever experience having a soul mate, you can find love and happiness again through time and possibly a new soul mate. I didn't think it was possible, and not in the space of time it happened, but I did find love again and another true soul mate in @Gayle . She's really brought back the old me (not sure if thats a good thing! lol) and shown me that life is deffo for living, and you have to make the most of each and every day. It's the most difficult time of your life right now, but it will get easier, trust me. And Nick would deffo want you to be happy again too, because that's the kind of guy he was, always wanting/making people happy. I loved the prom photo you posted up on FB, know Nick will be looking down and be so proud.
    7 points
  11. Better let you all in in whats happened! Basically, I've been getting fed up having all these cars!!! My prime objective was to spend all my time (and money) on DD making her into a show car. But after buying Ruby back, it meant I didnt have the time to do it with running 3 cars, and spending time on all three. So I had to get rid of either Ruby or Lexy. This is where my rpoblem began, because I love them both, but for different reasons. Ruby for the speed, the handling, and the memories tied up in her. Lexy for the creature comforts, all the toys, and the safety. With meeting Gayle, my priorities in life have changed, as its not just me to think of anymore, I've got Gayle and my new familt to think of. So Lexy was winning the battle on the safety side. But she didnt have the fun factor that Ruby has! So it was back to even scores again. But the thought of ruby being a daily driver, even during the winter, wasnt going to work. Shes crap in the snow, and would be even worse with the lowered suspension. So again, lexy was staying and ruby was going. So had a look at a lot of other options, like selling lexy and buying something different, like an S2000 or and MX5. But again, both would be hopeless in the winter, and with only 2 seats, would only be any good if it was just me and Gayle going out. Soooo, as of today, that idea was canned! Then Gayle gave me the solution! Have the best of both worlds, the best of ruby and the best of lexy! So today we went into Honda and traded Lexy in for a stunning Civic TypeR in alabaster silver with the optional Rage alloys! Was a huge step to take, but the right one. This way, I still have the fun to drive car that ruby is, and with everything that I love about the TypeS, all the toys etc. And most importantly, one hell of a safe car to be in should the worst happen. So Lexy waves bye bye on Wednesday, and the TypeR takes her place. Ruby will be going hopefully soon after. It will save me money on insurance, road tax and mean I have all the time in the world to concentrate on the deck. She is going to be turned into the most perfect M that I can achieve, and even though shes mint just now, she is going to be a show stopper. Wont have 3 cars to tax, insure, mot and service, just 2. And those two will fit all my needs. So there ya have it guys, the reasons behind the madness! To be honest, I'm actually relieved that Gayle came to the rescue with that idea, as I have genuinely been having trouble sleeping trying to figure out what to do. Knew whatever one I sold Id regret it, for the reasons i loved that paricular one. This way, I can have the best of all worlds. Safe, fast, fun and all mod cons! So as Im at a different place in my life now, I can lock all the happy memories with Ruby and Dawn, and with Ruby and Gayle, in a wee box and keep them there forewver. My lifes on a new chapter now, and time for new memories to be made. So Gayle and me will be having lots of fun with the TypeR, and making new memories to look back on.
    7 points
  12. I'm aiming to find the cash to buy it and keep it in the club hope fully won't sell to soon!! I'm will drop in a donation as he only lives down the road. I still can't believe it
    7 points
  13. Wheels on I can change the front and back by jacking up the front all on...
    7 points
  14. Couple from japfest I found love the second one that mod godz took
    7 points
  15. Thanks to the both of you. Tomorrow i will have a brake on work and i´m going to mount my new tail lights. I will upload the photos in here and some other pics of my MB For now i will have to wait, and see the ones that are in here And this one that i took yesterday: P.S: in the back you can see a little of my parents machine a Toyota Starlet From the late 80's.
    7 points
  16. but don't worry chaps i'm not leaving civic5,,, no way in hell, civic5 is my family now and will always be part of my life
    7 points
  17. Just a quick thanks to all the votes i have received, sorry i haven't been on much on the last 6 months posting wise, just been moderatoring and keeping a eye on you lot lol
    7 points
  18. Somebody Stop This Man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep telling my mrs this M is going to be the best and most modified M in the world LOL, i think it may just be or if not end up being just that...
    7 points
  19. A Co-founder of civic5, my wife and civic5 moderator crazzzydawn sadly passed away 21/1/2013. Dawn was my life, and loved getting involved with civic5. She made so many friends on here, who shared her love of the Civic M's. Sadly, she lost her brave fight with cancer, but her memory lives on in all our hearts. Dawn in her favourite place...... a Civic M! It was Dawn who got me into Hondas with the first one she had, a wee MB2 in white (S322 DKS) wonder where it is now? Dawns big love was her Civic Aerodeck 1.6ES, and she spent a lot of time making it unique. It was the car she'd always wanted, and was so happy when she got it! It's now kept in my garage, and only ventures out on sunny days, down to see Dawn, the odd camping trip and to civic5 meets and car shows. Her baby is now my baby, and will be turned into a show car, with everything looking as new on her. Know it's what she would have wanted and it's such a lovely car to drive. Dawn was always into cars, and loved all the motor sports too. A right wee petrol head. Her sense of humor was amazing too, as all those who met her will testify! A genuine, loving, caring and honest hard working soul, she will always be missed. R.I.P. Dawn x x x x
    6 points
  20. Yes I kid you not, I've been off the radar for a while but I'm back to introduce to you my new weekend toy, Steve! A few quick details/spec for you: 1999 123k miles (added a few miles already though!) RB25DET - Standard (Supposed to be 280bhp) Fresh import, landed in the UK December 2016 Turbo back 3" Fujitsubo exhaust HKS dumpvalve Blitz turbo timer Rays alloys Tape deck! I can't believe how comfortable the car is and I think it's pretty quiet while you're inside too! Love how it sounds too! I'm just glad it's not the everyday car because it gulps VPower for s**ts and giggles!
    6 points
  21. Been a while since I have updated the thread, only done a few small changes. After fitting the extended wheel studs I bought some hubcentric spacers to pull the wheels out. Dont have any other pics yet but you can see the wheels are sat flush with the arches now. Also replaced the grill bezel with a carbon dipped one. Had the windows retinted and got a set of climair wind deflectors which are so much better than team hekos. I will upload some more pics later today.
    6 points
  22. Love the look of this, and a hatch needs to win lol
    6 points
  23. Roxy back all sorted, so DD now all washed, dried and back tucked up safely in her blanket in the garage! She is deffo not seeing salty roads again!!!
    6 points
  24. Not a bad thing a girl playing with nuts
    6 points
  25. @EmZvr , yours is going in to the hat, awesome transformation over the time you've had it.... http://civic5.com/forum/topic/9591-emzvr-mb3-new-thread/
    6 points
  26. Found this from the weekend
    6 points
  27. haha! That decission is easy! Gotta be DD, her first time on a show stand and a nice wee tribute for Dawn too. She always wanted to get the deck onto a show stand
    6 points
  28. Nice one Jon. We're going to try and do what we can to help his wife and family through this as, knowing from personal experience, it won't be easy. But he had so many friends here, she'll have the club helping her when and where we can.
    6 points
  29. Hello lads!! Been away on hols for a week or so!! Now i'm back i cant wait to get in the old girl and give her a seeing to!!!
    6 points
  30. Projector headlights and USDM mods fitted today! Massive thanks to @Chandler for the USDM kit, @dinochips for the projectors and @philgor for the advice on the HID kit! First off a quick action shot! Now for the photos of the job! Don't worry, the bumper is sat on a bit of carpet! Sidelight. Dipped headlight. All fitted, battery went flat though whilst testing, gave me a bloody heart attack when I saw the lights flicker and go out though! All reassembled! Some whoring shots! Look what else has come today!! Right lengths too by the looks of it!
    6 points
  31. Replaced the drivers side wing mirror, mine was cracked but got a good one from our Phil!
    6 points
  32. some photo's from the scotland meet,
    6 points
  33. Got the tyres fitted this evening! going to try and book the car in for a 4 wheel alignment hopefully this week, actually feels good to spend a little money on the car for once other than fuel!
    6 points
  34. Took inspiration from ammarbm's MB2 for my Civic5 sticker placement. But for the other side I decided to use the "I Heart My MB" sticker instead. And a couple of photos because why not? The spare Civic5 sticker will be going on the MB3 by the way.
    6 points
  35. Been and got the torx set, all done!
    6 points
  36. Dc2 front with OEM bumper might be the way to go if i was doing this!!! As said so many varied opinions on this... Shows the capabilities of this forum... So many different views aired in one thread but all accepting each others views!! Great stuff C5!!!
    6 points
  37. Cheers lads and.. Erm i remember the deal was sexual favours from my nan as payment.
    6 points
  38. The man in the hat is correct!! All fired up, bit mouldy and steamy inside but think thats due to the leak Luckily the river didnt flood again
    6 points
  39. Hi guys big thanks again for the car of the year runner up, again for the 3rd year running MAKES ME A VERY PROUD PERSON TO HAVE SUCH A TITLE FOR 3 YEARS RUNNING AND THAT YOU GUYS HAVE LOVED & APPROVED AT WHAT I'VE DONE TO THE CAR IN THAT TIME!!! Chuffed to bits really 8-)
    6 points
  40. Thanks for the comments chaps. I Finally got a complete vti-s kit, sprayed it and got it fitted. Also put some fly eyes on the headlights. Comments welcome
    6 points
  41. Thanks for the nice comments mate, Dawn would be pleased! As Mr Brown said, the price Dawn paid to get this done professionally would make most peoples eyes water! lol But she always knew she would never sell the car, so it wasn't an issue. All I can say is that the price is over £1600, but every car is different, depending on what you want. Dawns was the first aerodeck the company has ever done, and the only civic m they've had that had the colour combination that Dawn decided on. Most go for the inner bits of the seat in colour, or the wee side bits like an mgzs, but dawn wanted to be different so got the outer sections done in colour. Give Transcal UK a call mate and see what they can do for you, really nice friendly staff and very helpful. Even got a designer there to help you out too. Mentions Dawns deck so they know the exact Honda Civic you have (I'm sure they'll remember Dawn, she had them in stitches when she visited! (just realized the pun there!! lol)
    6 points
  42. Please only continue to register after you have read the rules detailed below. If you agree with them and wish to proceed with the registration, simply click the "Register" button below. To cancel this registration, simply hit the 'back' button on your browser. 1) CLASSIFIEDS SECTION: ONLY AVAILABLE AFTER YOU HAVE MADE 50 NON-SPAM POSTS. (TRADERS: ONLY TRADE ADS BY OFFICIAL CIVIC5 TRADERS ALLOWED IN CLASSIFIEDS. NO ADS BY OUTSIDE TRADERS!) 2) ONLY 1 MEMBER ACCOUNT PER PERSON 3) NO POSTS / VIDEOS ABOUT MEMBERS ILLEGAL STREET RACING. WE DO NOT CONDONE BREAKING THE LAW. Civic5 CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY CONTENT POSTED. 4) WE ARE A BUSY FORUM, AND ALL POSTS ARE MODERATED BY OUR HIGHLY EXPERIENCED TEAM OF MODERATORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. POSTS MAY BE EDITED IF DEEMED NECESSARY, AND YOU MAY / MAY NOT BE INFORMED OF THIS. 5) OUR TEAM WILL WHERE NECESSARY ISSUE WARNINGS REGARDING FORUM CONDUCT, FROM POSTS TO THREATENING BEHAVIOR. WE ALSO DO NOT TOLERATE RACISM IN ANY FORM. 6) IF YOU RECEIVE A WARNING, YOU WILL BE ADVISED AS TO WHAT IT WAS ISSUED FOR. IF YOU WISH TO ASK FOR MORE INFO REGARDING THE WARNING, THEN PLEASE PM THE MODERATOR / ADMINISTRATOR WHO ISSUED THE WARNING. DO NOT DISCUSS IT IN THE FORUM. PLEASE ALSO BE AWARE THAT THE MODERATORS / ADMINISTRATORS DECISION IS FINAL. 7) ANYONE FOUND BEING ABUSIVE TO ANY OF THE CIVIC5 TEAM, FOR WHATEVER REASON, WILL BE INSTANTLY BANNED. OUR TEAM VOLUNTEER THEIR TIME TO RUN THIS SITE, AND RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CARRY OUT FORUM DUTIES WITHOUT FEAR OF BEING VERBALLY / PHYSICALLY ABUSED. 8) MEETS / EVENTS: WE HAVE MEETS ALL OVER THE UK, SOME WHICH CAN BE QUITE BIG! ALTHOUGH WE CAN'T CONTROL WHAT HAPPENS AT MEETS, OR DICTATE TO YOU HOW TO DRIVE YOUR CAR / CONDUCT YOURSELF, WE DO ASK THAT IF YOU ATTEND ANY CIVIC5 MEET YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING; a) No dangerous driving, such as excessive speed in built up areas. No wheel spinning, hand brake turns, excessive engine revving or other similar acts. c) Try and keep music to a respectable level. d) Try and keep the venue you're at tidy. We use various venues, and would like to continue using them. Things like litter dropping etc could mean we are no longer welcome at these places. e) Please try and show some respect to people who live nearby to the meet venues. f) Always show respect to the police at meets. We have a good reputation at our meets, and want keep it that way. g) When attending a show (japfest etc) if your car is on our stand, please obey show officials and any additional rules they may have in place. You are representing the club! Enjoy the forum! VIP Membership terms and conditions : CLICK HERE
    6 points
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