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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. You lot been reprobates again? Tut tut
  2. That's 2nd gear then I shift to 3rd!
  3. Epic double post. shame about this smoking issue your having. Nice one cracking on and getting it sorted again though. No messing around ay. Tis true about the valve stem seal. I think it's due to the exhaust valves seeing more heat.
  4. Cruising at 80. That's disgusting. I'm ashamed of you;) 69.897mph to be safe for me
  5. Cheers guys. Excited to drive it now. Paint irritates me has a few imperfections nowadays which I will get sorted but I can't afford to be too ocd though. so oh well who cares. Long as it goes well. @UnicyclingTom yeah I know would be so cool if it stayed black. @Jayhoath83 no way I don't say that. Rediculous.
  6. Yeah that's recommended grade. As for brand personal preference. Lots of quality oils out there.
  7. Ahhh wish I had more time to work on this but so close to getting it motd. Sorted from brakes out today and serviced it. out with the old... in with the new... put the arch liners etc back in then slapped the mb6 lip back on plastidipped black. Wheels too.
  8. Sounds like you got either a s80 or a s4c
  9. Not going to endorse it because I've never rolled an arch. But the rollers can be bought for less that 50 quid on ebay aswell. Often tempted to have a go. I'm running a little negative camber would rather have a roll instead.
  10. You do a great job. Function before fashion. Making sure it's all working right. Then do ya cosmetics. I have friends who modify a 15 yr old car with stickers and splitters. Thrash it to death then slag it off when it has a little clunk or something. Instead of fixing the clunk keep putting grills and skirts on and still slagging off the clunk 6 months later. Does my head In.
  11. Yeah man looks great. Few lil bits like grill be a beauty that. Fair bit more needed for 200hp. Expensive number to reach on a c4.
  12. I'm a fan of this one too. Love the fact it gets hammered. If it breaks gets fixed then gets hammered some more. nice flippy flap
  13. Love that first pic very nice! Haha they could at least give you a 17 inch space saver.. so what happened anyway?? Fn get a flat?
  14. If its obd1 then ecu pinout is same for all models. And will be in the download able service manual. Or a Google search for honda obd1 ecu pin out will work.. eg.. http://technet.ff-squad.com/wiring/obd1/obd1.pin.schematics.gif
  15. Has your box defo got an lsd?
  16. Nope no really. If it's been painted. There are black letters painted on the case. S9b 4.266 fd you will be at vtec 4.5k at 85mph in 5th. S80 4.4 fd you will be at vtec 4.5k at 80mph in 5th. I can tell you that from personal experience. 98 spec s80 has a 4.7 fd and will improve acceleration slightly more.
  17. Congrats man!!!!! Hmmm civic is a good all rounder cheap to run. Fun. Practicle. one think that made me buy a vti in the first place many moons ago. was that could fit our huge pushchair in boot no Probs.
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