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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Wheel bearings are same as other civics 92-00 try jap service parts. Calipers are available. But tbh. I had both fronts seized a few months from car sitting around. I baught 2 new piston kits off eBay. 1 hours work really easy to change problem solved.
  2. Oh dear good luck with that. The joys of old cars mate.
  3. This is a common symptom on these cars. Particularly bad on my previous mb6. A new clutch kit Problem solved.
  4. Think there worth what someone's willing to pay for them. Not a huge following for M's and there getting fewer.
  5. Finally managed to get the fuel pump fitted and the tank reinstalled. Not the most fun job to do on your own on jacks. Absolutely filthy afterwards. Opportunity to underseal the tank the chassis which is usually obstructed by the tank.
  6. If your set on curing it. I'd say so. New screen on insurance maybe? Possible you'll find more rust tho under the screen.
  7. I believe it comes in via the windscreen mate. Badly sealed in the first instance. Then they seem to rust under the windscreen on the corners. And more water gets in. Pretty much every m I viewed when buying mine had rust on that seam.
  8. Love seeing you updates. Follow on insta aswell. Amazing build
  9. You will require an adjustable decat
  10. Item no 12. https://www.lingshondaparts.com/partscatalog/catalog/listing/catalog/hondacars/modelid/17432/block/17ST311/blockref/E__1002/
  11. Have you tried Lings honda online catalogue?
  12. The mounts are same setup as EG. Hardrace Mounts won't be too harsh. Nice compromise.
  13. Your a crazy guy Phil. You own a train. Wow haha
  14. They look great Dave what a bargain.
  15. KiNK43

    1.5 - 2.0 vetch

    Not a common swap mate. You'd have to look at the mounts. If there not the same which I highly doubt. It'll be a custom job. You won't find swap mounts.
  16. I would anticipate the wiring will be the same colours as other engine variants. Since the ECU pinout is identical in most cases. Ill have a look see what I can find
  17. What exactly is it you need to know? You swapped the engine in?
  18. It's in. Need to plum in this BMW 3 series steering cooler to make room for the hose on the passenger side.
  19. Carrying on today. Cleaned all the edges up and welded a seam across where had to cut the lip off. Just gotta stonechip the cross member and put the cooler in
  20. Little bit and bobs getting done. Breather cans in and plumbed up. And started on the intercooler. Needs tidying up and some more material out round hoses. had to cut a fair bit out, need to weld a seam across the bottom cross member. And sort the paint. Bumper goes on no cutting needed and fog lights can stay in.
  21. KiNK43

    Mudguards for mb2

    Recon a breaker is your best chance mate.
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