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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Lots are available use civic eg or integra dc2 front arms
  2. I got the next shade aswell and it's so much lighter. It's collect dust behind and you'd see it. We'll see.
  3. I'm gonna get a innovate combined wideband and boost controller and put in the little pocket next to steering wheel.
  4. Again little steps. Fitted water, oil temp and oil pressure gauges. Made an effort to hide the gauges with tinted acrylic but might not stay like that because affects visibility in bright sun light.
  5. Well depends on budget and what you want from it. d series almost seems a waste of time. B series are affordable and easy o fit. K swaps are getting more and more attractive, great engines. Excellent tunability and reliability. Modern and smooth
  6. Not a big job. Sunday afternoon you'd have it done. Take all handles off, sun visors. the sunroof trim and interior light. The whole head liner will just pull out through the boot
  7. Looks like a real good example this one. Very tidy
  8. Not yours aswell. Bloody rovers! They all seem to be getting this way now mate. Get it sorted and done well so will last.
  9. Just sat in garage now. Short on time lately. Really need to start the turbo setup. Only thing I've done is get the intercooler measured out. So clears the fogs. Tight but will fit. Small steps.
  10. Without checking I might be wrong but I think its on the plastic tray that drops down under the steering wheel. Some screws and it drops down.
  11. This at combe? Looks nice. Mine was in the next field.
  12. Rip it off and start again mate. I did mine a while back. Black suede looks great. Cost like 25 quid. Use a high temp glue like trim fix.
  13. Mrs and dust bin lids treated me early father's Day pressie
  14. While I'm here. Had a few little bits to do on the car. Ended up changing both front brake pistons. Sitting around does not do brakes any good at all does it. Had a minor issue aswell temp gauge would really drop at high speeds despite having a new stat, so replaced the stat again aswell as the temp sender/sensor in the head. Seems to have sorted it. Needle stays bang in the middle now. Took it for a trip to castle Combe at the weekend. Fair old trip, didn't skip a beat. Used no oil. Braught the mileage since build upto 456 so think it's ready for some proper oil and start pushing it now get it upto 8k.
  15. Thanks mate It's not a bad shell at all mate but the pictures are better than real life definitely. It's not a new car. Will end up having a paint job one day but not a priority at all.
  16. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01H9IZGZ4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ZSb9CbWMGNK0B This is the stuff I've been using. Seems good. Dries unlike waxoyl, quite flexible.
  17. If your undersealing. Have you got a compressor? Can get a gun and Lance really cheap so you can blast in orifices. On that section your talking about there are two large drain holes. I'd suggest blasting loads of goop up in there and also trough the skirt holes into the sill. Exactly what I've done on mine should really help long term.
  18. Ok that's useful then thanks @dr_broon
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