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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Keep the outer chrome and do the middle black/gunmetal would be sweet ! What wheels are they ?
  2. Pretty much mate yeah .. Or pull the fuses for the ECU and back up ..
  3. Ha great vid .. You get what you pay for !
  4. Swings and round abouts mate really isnt it .. Cheaper in one aspect, more expensive in another .. We could debate all day But i know what i'll be driving for the coming years ..
  5. Thats certainly a whack of cash thats been spent mate .. In my eyes though, id be tempted to say. you've put it in, why quit now ?? Also, im not sure what things you've replaced etc across genres, but my dad and most of my family drive VAG stuff and although i will openly admit Honda isnt the cheapest ... Some of the parts ive replaced on their cars were mega expensive for what they were! My old mans passat for example, IIRC an outter CV joint was just shy of £60 .. Its half that price for one on ours ..
  6. Eh ?? How does that work? The touring car is running 300bhp ??
  7. Worth a try might ! I'd hate to get a price from honda
  8. That would be superb !! We need pics though Jamie !!
  9. No idea where you could get a new one from mate .. Honda only id be inclined to say Worth looking around some of the breakers? @10000rpm
  10. Lip and spoiler id give it a go .. The patches on the body work .. I'd say even a pro shop would struggle to match PB ..
  11. Best of luck getting that on chap ! Good find on the skrit & spoiler !
  12. It was meant to be Was a rattle can of PB from paints4u. But it didn't turn out too well. Whether it was the paint or the lacquer I'm still not quite sure. But it's very dull compared. Looks ok though and will do for now until I get it into a body shop to get painted properly
  13. Absolutely. And massive respect for going the NA route. Not many would have the time/patience to put into making what have. Turbo is easy
  14. Love the strips wrapped.. Did you take them off to do them ? Looking good
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