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Civic5 Supporter
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Everything posted by Krzys

  1. Just for info: VTEC engages around 4,400rpm, the IABS (the bit everyone thinks is VTEC) open at 6,000rpm. Any kind of air intake mod will help you hear it.
  2. As above, no one has any money to spare this time of year, also people don't want to look at a car in the rain which it often does this time of year. It'll sell but you'll have to be patient or take less money to move it quickly.
  3. T'is true though! Tom is just a regular cunt.
  4. 6000k are meant to be the whitest, they are what I had on the VTi-S, prefer them!
  5. I turn 29 in April and I have neither chrome nor wood
  6. At least she's interested in the Civic! The wench I'm boning isn't into cars at all!
  7. @mae-civic is the winner, congratulations! @Dave, when you have the time please can you update the photo
  8. Nice work! Look forward to seeing more progress on the intake manifold!
  9. You could take photo's of basic things so that if you need to ask someone where a toilet is you can show them that?
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