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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Good man on the wages front. But please please get saving quick as you can. Good you got something to tide you over tho dude!
  2. Just having a bad time mate. Hang on in there.
  3. 5 30 is a tad thin. Not sure how much difference it might make as I don't use it. I either use valvoline or Mobil 10w 40
  4. Thanks guys. Holy mackerel would love to do a nurburg trip. But can't imagine I would be allowed the spendo or the time away from kids. Mrs would s**t herself at the thought of having them alone for more than a day!!!
  5. Was cam timing out or ignition timing?
  6. Wkd news nice one. Take it easy a little bit hopefully should settle down.
  7. Gave some beans last night It's actually much better up top. Loud but sounds sooo much smoother less harsh. Well thought it was about time got a graphic on intake mani..
  8. 7 quid a corner. They are going to be s**t. No offence intended. Butbive learnt the hard way you get what you pay for and I just think some things are worth doing properly. Tyres brakes suspension
  9. Out with the old.. In with the new... It's different but still loud. Maybe passable on track now tho just
  10. Yes Cyril sneer is going on the new box. Gonna stick out a little bit. Will need to cut bumper a tad when I get home.
  11. The joy of having an eg with split tailgate. The painted bit is about as big as a skateboard
  12. Well car is currently on ramps. It's a no go with center box just far too tight to contemplate... so new back box time. Bit sad as I love my backbox. But needs to quieten down
  13. Met up with philgor this morning. What a guy! And big thanks for my next project..
  14. Contact a breaker. Like 10000rpm on here.
  15. Looks good from pics mate. I wondered too about lacquer. I've been painting my spare tailgate and that also has a orange peel thing going on in the lacquer. I cleaned between layers with brake cleaner as someone here mentioned. May try warming as well then hey. Looking pretty darn good after a polish mate!
  16. Does she need a new back box?
  17. Yes I am getting old so thinking might really turn the volume down. We'll see
  18. Yeah maybe. But point I was trying to get across. If it's minor leave well alone until it becomes an issue imo. I rushed to replace box with slightly noisy bearing and no other issues. Ended up with more knackers boxes than I started with. If I'd kept original box chances are it would be just the same now and still going strong. So now I'm leaving well alone until it becomes an issue
  19. Clutch up noise is likely from the box as release bearing kinda floats in limbo until you press the pedal. I'm now on my 5th or so gearbox. It's started whining but I'm not rushing out to replace it. Wish I'd kept my original with noisy input shaft bearing
  20. Cheers mate! Booked in Friday at power flow for some noise suppression. It'll never get on track as loud as it is. Quite excited actually customer I find it a bit embarrassing pootling about
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