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Everything posted by Dexter

  1. Ok, i think Hawk might also be an option... a finnish time attack driver who used to race an MB6 recommended them too so i think i'll take a look at their wares. I've been using Dot 5.1 fluid which has been pretty decent but i'm considering Motul as the RBF600 isn't too expensive... compared to braided lines, which i think i'll pass this time. Gotta save somewhere! But i don't think i'll be buying mtec. Read too many stories about cracked or warped discs.
  2. To be honest it's not that noticeable unless you're looking at it straight on. Then it looks bad, like on the photos i just posted, but honestly how many of you noticed that it was off center in the older photos? It's been like that for 4 months. But yeah you're right, it NEEDS to be centered! Not really, luckily I had a friend who had done it before. My job was to give constant heat (but not too much!) to make sure paint wouldn't chip, which i've heard is the biggest.problem you encounter doing this. Thorough clean from the inside, proper heat and slow & steady roll is the way to go. I respect everyone with a midspoiler on their decks, but for me it's just too much! What i might do one day is go for a totally different rear bumper, since it never really liked the vti-s rear lip. Time will tell... I thought the bumper strip was stock on the 1.8 model? Never really paid attention to this on other decks but cool to know i have something rare! By the way has anyone ever noticed the mini car phone aerial on the back of my roof? The plate photos were actually taken before the new exhaust so everything is still big loud n' shiny! But i have to admit that for long distance driving it's simply too loud . The low note on highwayspeeds of 60-80 mph gets drilled into my brain after a while! Luckily i very rarely have long drives but in the long run i think i'll change the exhaust. Maybe do a exit on both sides and a muffler on each ...? Haven't seen that too often!
  3. I think that was a type-r forum, i've heard about thart same combo as well. But the thing is, i don't want to go just "good enough" as i clock my laps and always aim for improving my times. But yes i'm considering Ferodo pads, they seem to get the most positive comments padwise. For discs i'd like to get atleast grooved discs, since the visual part is also important to me . Hmm i used to think that Greenstuff would be enough but this got me onto the EBC website, and now after a thorough look it seems like Yellowstuff would be perfect for my use: "The bite from cold is superb which is uncommon with race materials (normally requiring warm-up) and makes this a pad which can be safely used on the road as well as on the race track." So many options... :-?
  4. Yeah it seems like many are rocking that combo but also have read stories about cracked / warped dics so it doesn't feel like a long-lasting setup. I haven't heard of stop tec before, does anyone have experiences?
  5. Thanks for all the comments ! Been really busy since my last post a month ago but let's update this one again. I'm pretty happy about out plates too, i like the simple & symmetrical look of them. Normally we have the EU symbol on them: But changed mine to plain ones this spring, for just 20€: It's not centered (yet) as the body underneath is (surprise!!!) a slightly different color after 16 years of being in the shade... so i decided it looks better for now not centered than centered with different color plastic showing up. Maybe i'll fix this this winter. It's the standard arch roller available everywhere, after a quick google it seems like it's the same one just in different color sold all over. One for pretty cheap on ebay at the moment: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WHEEL-ARCH-FENDER-ROLLER-ARM-FLARING-TOOL-REFORMER-LOWERED-RACE-DRIFT-KIT-CARS-/301314145251?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4627b8fbe3 It's a pretty simple & sturdy tool, the one we used was custom cut shorter than stock to make arch rolling on small diameter wheel well cars easier.
  6. Edited 14.10.2014: Here's a small summary of the conversation in this topic and also http://civic5.com/fo...tec-discsagain/, http://civic5.com/fo...ended-pads-mb6/ and also experiences by Zuissi who used to race Time Attack with his MB6. Track day brakes for a daily driven MB/MC Brake pads: Proper pads are the most important thing. Opinions about different brands however are very varied, and not a single one stands out as the "ultimate" pad for MC/MB civics. - Ferodo DS2500: Recommended by many, but won't last many hard track days. - EBC Yellowstuff: mixed opinions, wear out quicker than Ferodo. - Hawk: recommended by some - Brembo: mixed opinions - Nissin: mixed opinions - Mintex: mixed opinions - Tarox, Black Diamond, Axxis: rarely mentioned but recommended by their users Brake discs: As long as they are in good condition, even stock discs will do just fine. Grooved, drilled etc. aren't really worth all the money unless you want the looks. - Mtec: recommended by many, but also bad experiences with cracked/warped discs - Black Diamond: recommended by some - EBC Ultimax: recommended by a few - Brake Depot: recommended by a few - Tarox: mixed opinions - Mintex: mixed opinions Brake fluid: Upgrade to atleast Dot 5.1. For racing fluids Motul RBF600 is recommended by many. Brake lines: HEL braided lines are recommended if you go RBF600 (higher boiling point), with street fluids stock lines should be ok. Brake stopper: Not used by many but those who have one highly recommend it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original first post: A few days ago my rear pads literally crumbled away on the track so maybe it's time to do a full upgrade. So i'm looking for a full set of performance discs and pads for a MC2 that won't crack/warp/disintegrate on the occasional track day, but not so hardcore that i won't be able to drive daily to work. Any suggestions? Reading through the whole brakes & alloys section opinions seem to be very mixed about what's good and what's not. Mtec and mintex are out of the question. I used to think that EBC would be the thing but after reading Grant's experiences about them here http://civic5.com/forum/topic/8853-recomended-pads-mb6/ i don't know anymore... Comments from track day drivers especially welcome!
  7. Same here, a bit expensive but definitely worth it in the long run. Get it first mapped by a pro and then maybe play around a little bit to figure out how it works? Then you could always set it back to the "proper" settings in case it gets too messed up!
  8. Thanks for all the comments, sorry to hear about your father in law, jimbob. And good luck jay with your applications, hope you get selected! Yeah i'm pretty excited about the job, i'm learning so much every day, but it also makes it pretty exhausting as well having to pay extra attention all the time so i'll remember stuff the next time as well. On the personal side the lift is making my life so much easier now... no more time aching backs, from arch rolling for example: I had a friend give a helping hand, gave constant heat with a hot air gun and managed to roll both rear arches nicely without any paint chipping. Didn't have to do the fronts since i've got a camber kit installed. But now i can get the rear as low as i want without banging the 8.5" wide rear rims on metal. Afterwards slammed the front as low as it went and matched the rear height so this is as low as it'll go on H&R coils: I think it looks pretty good, and it's still very driveable. No rub at all and no banging the bottom as long as i remember (and bother) to stay careful when going over curbs or speed bumps. Still, i'm planning on a MeisterR coil set for next summer, just to get the damping adjustability. I borrowed the roller from a friend, but after i told and showed my colleagues at work what i did after hours they said that's pretty cool, we need to buy one for the workshop! So the kids win as well . So far most of them who have gone low have done just the classic paint chippin' baseball bat arch rolls so i think this'll make their life easier! One more photo, sorry about the bad quality but it was almost 10 in the evening and just had my phone with me:
  9. Just got a reply and you're exactly right, they price everything at £1000 when it's out of stock. And yes it's a direct fit to a B18C4 so i think i'm gonna go with one of these. Would be nice to get new hoses at the same go... and a new slimline fan... and and and i think i'll for once try to save a bit and just get the rad!
  10. It's been 3 months since my last update so time to get this topic back on the road. Hopefully things will pick up speed now that i've changed jobs and with that my "garage" has changed from this: ...to this: After 6 years of working for the Helsinki Youth Department i asked for a transfer to this moped/car workshop. Basically it's a place where anybody aged 16 to 23 can come and fix their rides for almost free of cost, and if needed get assistance from our team of 4 instructors. We've got a lift, tire machine, welding equipment in addition to a arsenal of quality tools etc. so it's almost as well stocked as any commercial garage. All this funded by taxpayer money. Even though i'm nowhere near a qualified mechanic (yet!), i'm learning from the others as we go AND can use the facility for my own projects before and after hours and on the weekends. So i'm pretty stoked about that! More updates soon to come.
  11. Have to go with Matt's, liking the low and wheel selection .
  12. Yeah i thought about Tegiwa as well, i've had good experiences with them before. Just sent them a message to make sure it's a direct fit. B18C4 is on their compatibilty list on their ebay store http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TEGIWA-ALUMINIUM-ALLOY-RACE-RADIATIOR-HONDA-CIVIC-CRX-EG6-EK4-B-SERIES-EG-EK-/200930691402?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2ec867094a but is priced at £1000... must be a mistake.
  13. I need to replace my radiator so naturally that means upgradetime. Since the stock rad should be good for mildly tuned B18 engines i'm not necessarily looking for anything more powerful, just want good quality with the shiny aluminum look to spice up the bay. Only brand that comes to mind is Mishimoto but those ones are pretty expensive... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mishimoto-Alloy-Radiator-Honda-Civic-1992-2000-/231308379015?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item35db0dc387#shpCntId Any ideas? Ebay is full of no-name chinese rads for under 100£, they just seem too cheap to be any good... or last more than a few years.
  14. Thanks Nick for all the help and positive comments on my build. Rest in peace, bro. Hope there's endless freeways with no speed limits wherever you may be.
  15. No man, those don't fit! Ours are have this fork style: On my deck I have a camber kit from TSS Tuning (Germany), which is a Blox copy. DC2 camber kits fit MB6 and should fit the MC2 as well, but the DC2 Buddy Club kit pictured above didn't fit on mine... the mechanic said the forks are the wrong size???? I don't know where the problem is, my car or the kit...
  16. Same here. Very nice find! Looking forward to seeing it fitted.
  17. Why so? I've been thinking about greenstuff.
  18. Congratulations, well deserved. Coty material for sure.
  19. Lowered the deck to summer height and took a few pics of the new plumbing: Volks back on... mmm.... And tomorrow cambelt renewal + these little babies:
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