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  1. Right, as we've spent the past few weeks moving house and settling in, I've not had time to get May's comp up and running! So, here it is....Civic5 COTM May 2020. Going to run this for only a few days then go to voting so we can catch up again. Get Voting folks, poll closes Sunday at 10pm! UPDATE: And our winner is Chief and their stunning aerodeck.
  2. Time for this months competition. Enter the civic you want to see win COTM. It can be any members civic or even your own, all are welcome! Remember to add a photo of the car, and a link to its topic/project thread in members cars. Lets see them folks!!
  3. I would like your wisdom, *Thought I'd put this here rather than in SOS, as this is more like a discussion and sharing of experiences* So for context, got my MB2 1.4 around this time last year and straight away I was thinking about modding, but I decided to have patience and restricted myself and kept it all stock excluding the steering wheel and seats. It's been a trooper of a car, but now this is where the fun begins. Originally I wanted to do a K swap but then I matured and realised I was in over my head, so now the plan is to source a D16Y8 SOHC VTEC, and swap that in, then turbo it. I currently have a D14A8 SOHC non-VTEC. So I just want to get input of the good people who know a lot more than me: - I'm assuming since I'm swapping in another SOHC D series engine, it should be pretty straight forward, however I still have questions such as what other components can I keep and what else I would need to replace (such as the ECU). - If anyone is adept with turbo-ing d series I would love to know what kits are good (I know ebay ones have gotten better but you can tell me if any are worth it), or if you put together your own kit then what the shopping list was. Also I would more than welcome suggestions of trusted professionals who can help without ripping me off (I am based in Chatham, Kent) - And if you have a d series turbo build I would love to hear about the power gains, reliability and cost (time and money). D16Y8 is approx 125hp, and with a turbo I would aim to get this to 210 - 230hp, please let me know if this is reasonable or crazy and what would be more realistic to expect from a daily driver turbo build. I'm also aware that (when turbo-ing) that I would need to upgrade the intake and exhaust too and would welcome recommendations. And if you want more topics to dive into, I would appreciate suggestions of good upgrades to my brakes for the power I want to make, and let me know if I would only need to upgrade components such as the pads or if it would be necessary to upgrade the whole thing. Overall I just want to find the most cost effecitve way to make my car more fun and also reliable, can't wait to hear your guys' experiences You are all much appreciated.
  4. Was just reading this on top gear. Think that this sort of product is going to be more common. https://www.topgear.com/car-news/electric/what-would-you-do-107bhp-crate-electric-motor I bet ecu modification suddenly becomes more complicated though... Especially if you want a motor for each rear wheel
  5. So, looking to get new tyres for DD. What width of tyres are folks running on your lowered/standard height Civic M's? Know the widest standard size (for VTi/VTiS) is 195, but just wondering if we can go wider without any issues? Thinking 205's should be ok on DD's 16" wheels as plenty of room in arches with her being back on standard suspension.
  6. Here we go again, time to put forward your entries for this months competition. Remember folks, it can be another members civic or even your own! Lets see what civic M you think should win!
  7. This popped up in my news feed this morning - thought it was worth a share. https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/magazine/the-concept-of-the-sustainable-classic/
  8. dr_broon

    Lock down

    So, how's everyone getting on with the new way of life? Personally I'm working from home, but then have been most of the time anyway for about 6 months so no big change there. Will be interesting when the 'home school' starts next week though. Hope that everyone's well and keeping in touch with the world however they can
  9. HONDA CIVIC 'M' SERIES COMPATIBILITY DATABASE Civic5 accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions from this database and all that STEERING AND SUSPENSION COMPONENTS *Wheel and tyre info....Stock ET is 45 for all M's (widest recommended rim with this et is 6.5" at r15? ). DC2 alloys need spacers to fit over 282 calipers *Springs and shock absorbers....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs. DC2 coilovers will need the Integra LCA. Matched springs and shocks are specific to the weight of the model so Aerodeck are different as are other civics or Integras. *Front upper wishbone....Same as dc2/eg/400/45/zs. EK is different the bushes are pressed into the arm. *Front lower wishbone....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Front hub carrier and balljoints....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Hubs....All M's use 4 x100 pcd hubs from contemporary civics except the MB6 which uses 4 x 114.3 (4.5") pcd hubs from the Integra and Prelude. *Front ARB....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs. To upgrade arb size you will need to change the body mounting bushes *Rear ARB....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs. To upgrade arb size you will need to change the body mounting bushes. *Front suspension bushings....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Track rod ends....Same as 45/400/zs *Steering rack...Same as 45/400 *PAS pump...Non Honda engined Rovers use flexible hosing (mounted on right of engine) *Rear trailing arm....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs. Drum versions can not be converted to disc. *Rear upper control arm....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Rear lower control arm....Same as dc2/eg/ej/400/45/zs. Some LCA's do not have a mounting for an ARB. *Rear toe adjuster....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Trailing arm (compliance) bush....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs *Rear suspension bushes....Same as dc2/eg/ek/ej/400/45/zs BODY PANELS AND LIGHTS *Front bumper....All different, to change MA to MB you also need to change bonnet (and front crossmember?) MB6 front lips will not fit the MA without modification. *Rear bumper....MB will fit MA *Sideskirts........MA/MB/45/400/ZS all fit the same mounting points. Vti-s and ZS180 having variations in style. *Front wings....All different *Bonnet....All different. *Bonnet catch and struts....MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same. Catch lever varies on MA. *Scuttle cover....MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same *Windscreen....MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same *Door glass.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same *Tailgate....MA/MB same apart from number plate surround. *Tailgate catch and struts....MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same, all standard struts will take the weight of the standard vti spoiler. *Doors.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same *Headlights.... MA/MB slightly different outer shape. There are no aftermarket headlights. *Taillights....MB fit MA, MB have clear indicators, MA amber. *Side repeaters.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS all same *Fog lights....MA and MB have slightly different surrounds? *Wing mirrors.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS all fit same, some electric, some manual *Sunroof.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS same. *Handles and other trim pieces.... MA/MB/45/400/ZS same apart from number plate surrounds/ rear light trims. INTERIOR *Front seats and rails....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same fitting. Other Honda seats will need modification to the rails. *Rear seats and rails....MA/MB same ZS will not fit. *Centre console....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same fitting. Some models have a centre arm rest that fits all M's *Dashboard....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same fitting. The MB6 vti-s has carbon dash inserts. *Steering wheel....MA/MB same MB6 has leather finish. Rover will fit but are trispoke so you will not be able to get rid of the Rover airbag and logo. (DC2 will fit with modification?) *Steering column....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Switches etc....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Instrument cluster....MA/MB/400/45 same. (ZS 180 and MB6 have different tacho's?) *Door cards....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Pillar trims....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Headlining....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Rear mirror....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same *Parcel shelf....MA/MB *Audio components....MA/MB/400/45/ZS same. The MB6 and some Rovers have better speakers and door tweeters that fit all M's. BRAKING COMPONENTS *Front discs....262 except MB6 which uses the 282 system. Some companies make 282 rotors to fit 4x 100 hubs (generally as an upgrade to EG civics) *Rear discs/drums *Front calipers....Single pot lucas 262 system. Same as 400/45/ZS/EG/EK. 282 for MB6. *Rear calipers....Same as 400/45/ZS/EG/EK/EJ. *Master cylinder....Same as 400/45/ZS/EG/EK/EJ.(?) Does the 'teg use this too? *Brake fluid.... *Brake hoses....Same as 400/45/ZS/EG/EK. Drum and disc versions are different. *Rear Disc backing plates part numbers. SMD000080  SMD000090 From RimmerBros (order for MGZS) Just checked still showing in stock around 25 each (as of 21/3/2020)  ECU AND ELECTRICAL OBD Loom/ aftermarket wiring Lamda IACV FIT VTEC controlers Fuses and resistors Battery Alternator D SERIES ENGINES- D14A2, D14A4, D14A3 (EDM), D14A8, D15Z1, D15Z8, D16B2, D16Y5. Engine mounts Sparkplugs Engine oil Oil filter Fuel filter Distributer HT leads Valves and valvetrain parts Cam Cambelt Cam gears Crank Pistons Con rods Intake Throttle body Intake manifold Radiator Fan Thermostat Coolant FI info B SERIES ENGINES- B18C4 Same sort of stuff TRANSMISSION COMPONENTS Shifter UJ Shift rod Extension rod Shift bushings Clutch Master cylinder Reservoir Release cylinder Gearbox Gearbox oil Driveshafts EXHAUST COMPONENTS Manifold....B and D series engines use a slightly different manifold Cat section....UKDM cat (different length from the JDM cat) Mid section....MA/MB all same (?) do rover fit? Backbox....MA/MB all same except Aerodeck which has a longer tail (?) There's probably a lot I've missed off, might be best to improve it as we fill out the list? We probably ought to have glossary for terms (stuff like DC2, EG, ITR, IM, PCD) to make it accessible for noobs and non Honda geeks
  10. Jimbo714

    Advice needed

    So started getting few bits for the 1.8 engine rebuild, but in two minds to put the engine in my 1.5 or keep in original shell. My 1.5 is real tidy on the bodywork and the 1.8 has some scraps and dents. How difficult is the swap going to be, thought’s please
  11. What is everyone using to hose there images? I use to use Photobucket but I don't fancy paying for the privilege, I've also used tinypic but thats no longer going. I've got 2 more honda's I want to share on here
  12. Yes! It's back!!!! Our popular COTM competition has returned for 2020! Enter the car you think deserves to win this months competition. It can be any embers car, or you can even enter your own. Entry is simple..... Post one photo of the car A link to the cars thread/topic a brief reason why you like it. It's that simple! Once the entries are in we will put it to the vote! Voting will start Friday 24th January. Lets make this first one a biggy and get loads of cars entered!!!! Oh, and good luck if your car is entered! THIS MONTHS ENTRIES ARE: DMRICHARDS MAE-CIVIC DINOCHIPS
  13. Dave

    Think bike

    Just saw this on the MX5Life forum, really shocking crash between biker and Subaru. https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/shocking-footage-shows-motorcyclist-fly-17547882
  14. I just read the thread 'what mb do I have' but I'm still confused cos on my year with the 1.6 is says I have a vtec which I'm pretty sure that I don't
  15. Happy Christmas everyone, hope that you all had a good day.
  16. Evening guys. Looking at mounting 3 x 52mm gauges in the centre console of my Aerodeck. I was wondering what solutions you guys have gone for?
  17. https://www.pistonheads.com/news/ph-japanesecars/honda-restomods-s2000-and-ek9-civic-for-tokyo/41515 S2k looks nice
  18. Hi all, Just wanted to ask that everyone is aware of bikes (pedal and motor) at junctions... Especially this time of year. Because of the small front area it's hard to judge how quickly they are coming towards you. Last night someone wiped me out at a crossroads in the middle of Newcastle by turning right (slowly) when I was going straight ahead. Luckily I've escaped with bruises and a cracked carbon fork, but someone less able to bounce would have been much worse. The same applies on fast roads with motorbikes, but the results are much worse, as they will be doing much more than the 20mph I was doing. Cheers guys.
  19. Aerodeck vti isn't listed separately from the vti-s, so don't know if it's just missing or included here... Though would have thought there's have been more than 95 mc2 registered around 2001... Might be picked up in the first one. Either way, not many Vtis left around.. 93 licensed in total.
  20. So, decided to finally sell the Civic TypeR FN2 (Roxy) for something a lot cheaper to run as my daily driver. Enter Carly, my 2008 Mini Cooper! She's only had 2 owners from new (same as Roxy), full history, Lower mileage than Roxy and decent spec compared to some Coopers we've looked at. Also got a cracking deal with the garage which saw me getting the car plus cash for trading in the FN2 which was a bonus! The colour looks like a champange metallic, but is actually called "sparkling silver", which we've found out is quite a rare colour on the Coopers, so that's a bonus!. The cars been really well looked after by previous owner and is immaculate bar one wee tiny mark on the front bumper (and knowing my ocd, that'll be a new front bumper she's getting then! lol). Plans are new alloys same as DD's, spotlights, Cooper stripes in black, tint the rear windows, and some interior upgrades. Cracking wee car to drive, really handles sweet! And still quick enough for me to have fun with, but also excellent mpg and cheap tax compared to the FN2. Anyways, here she is...
  21. As you've seen else where the aerodeck has moved on to a new home. I was hoping to keep the deck and run it side by side with the crv but I was unable to find anywhere to store it. Anyway the new car. It's a 2005 Honda CR-V sport 2.0 auto 84k FSH and was a locally supplied car when new. It's a completely different drive to the deck. I've nicknamed it "the armchair" cos that is how comfy it is to drive. Pictures. Old and new... It's even got a table The powerplant  It's Honda's K20a4 producing 150bhp, it pulls rather well and is well suited to the gearbox. 75mph is 3000rpm The gearbox is a 4spd auto with lock up torque converter. Matched with the Cruse control it makes for a lazy drive..
  22. so what spoilers are you using and any one using spoiler off a different car thats not a civic ill start with my pic lol
  23. Hi there, Got my test next month and I've been eyeing up a 2000 Civic 5 door saloon 1.4iS (I believe it's an MB2 D14A8), as it's cheap to buy and insure and they have a reputation of being reliable. I have a strong fascination for this car and it's potential to be upgraded and overtime I want to make it my own through gradual modification. And I probably don't know an awful lot, so I want to learn and get ideas + suggestions that will also help me to make decisions specific to this car. First mods I plan to do: Wheels and tyres: planning on getting some 17x7.5 with either 215/45 or 225/45. But I want to know what range of tyre sizes will be suitable. Brake Pads, Coilovers, Cool air intake: what's good? What's affordable? What's a mix of both? Body work: any low profile body work that facelifts the car, and where to get them? (Such as the body work on VTi-S models). May also look into getting an LSD, open to suggestions of what to get, new or second hand, and what to look out for. General suggestions also welcome, feel free to educate me, I'm here to learn. Thank you
  24. Yo so i have an mb3 civic sport and it it bone stock and a little ruff around the edges, paints peeling on the wheels couple scratchs and dents and dots of rust but I can sort all that. What I am asking of you is what am I looking for when it comes to areo, coilovers, bigger wheels, bigger brakes, wings, strut bars you know that sort of thing when ever I'm looking online for parts I'm really struggling to come up with anything and when I do I'm not even sure if it will go on. My end goal with it is to make it the best rolling chassis I can the try and also a k or b with boost but that won't be for a little while yet and it's off the road for the next 11 months so s**t can be apart for a while I'll post some pics of it tomorrow Please I need all the info I can get if anyone got measurements for me to look out for oh and good tyres to run aswell Thank Connor
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