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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. KiNK43

    Advice needed

    Have you took it for a drive?? They are renowned for being a bitch to bleed. After getting it about there, I used to find just going for a drive and getting some revs going should push any air back to the rad.
  2. KiNK43

    Advice needed

    Sweet what was up with it in the end
  3. KiNK43

    Advice needed

    My oem one for comparison
  4. KiNK43

    Advice needed

    Gonna have a look through my build photos. One thing I noticed when I built mine it almost fits upside down. You defo got it on the right way. And the dowel in the block/head isn't chewed up is it? If had a deck or skim job may have been pulled with pliers and not sitting correctly now.
  5. the last two sets we made we just used generic light grey vinyl and it doesn't look out of place At all.
  6. Dragged it out tonight. First dry night in ages. Actually pretty dusty needs a wash. But god I love driving this thing (well apart from the clutch). It's just me!
  7. Love the colour. Quite unique. Always seem to be grey the 8th gens.
  8. House sounds perfect. What area is that? Beautiful
  9. I'm positive it's not arcing but something's not right. I mean it's fine. But not great.
  10. Well polarity is right. So don't know why it doesn't sound great. I mean it's not horrific. But not great either. Tempted to change the speaker wire to something a bit girthier.
  11. Looks great mate nice car and that lude is lovely. Used to have on one of those carsci wish I'd kept
  12. I had a quick look. But it's a lot of pages to navigate an could find it.
  13. Anyone know the speaker wire colours or polarity as I have upgraded the whole system and tbh sounds a bit crappy. Possibly out of phase.
  14. Can you not just add in the forum via the "Click to choose files" button? That's what I've been doing lately
  15. Yeah I would if ya don't need the money. I had two spares and let them both go for small money aswell. Really wish id kept at least one. Just don't know where to keep it.
  16. Not sure dude with the issues. A healthy swap seems to go for a grand or so.
  17. I know the car from Facebook. Seems tidy but definitely gets driven hard engine s**t itself after being tuned. Recently been repaired/replaced. Followed by videos of it being launched and pinged off the limiter.
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