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Everything posted by dr_broon

  1. It wouldn't take much difference for there to be issues. These are the heko ones for the MG / rovers https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151734971648?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=cZit5HsFTvK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=VPkI41u3Sse&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=MORE
  2. Tbh I'd be surprised if any of the other civics had the same shape windows - is say you're limited to m specific ones or rover 45 / mg zs. Apart from any hens teeth original honda optional extras, you used to be able to get ones from Climair or from team heko that were designed for our cars
  3. Glad you got it sorted out. I seem to remember that when I changed my original rotor arm I had to smash it off, but I think that's more that it was stuck tight onto the dizzy rather than the bolt being seized (though it was probably 15 years ago). I'm also sure that the arms I've had since don't have a hole to screw it on. You might get more room by taking the air filter box out, but it's going to be easier to do if the dizzy was out.... Though the dizzy bolts might be a bit stuck as well now.
  4. Nice to be not deleting / editing spam 😂
  5. Best thing I can suggest is to have a look at the AC troubleshooting guide in the workshop manual (pg 22-7). If you haven't got it already, you can get it from the downloads section on here mate 👍
  6. They all seem to be coming from the same ip address @Dave, but I don't see how I can block it?
  7. @Dave these are getting weird now... Really long posts and not even any links to click... This is a translate of the one from above
  8. Had a quick spy in the workshop manual (see the downloads section) and looks like it might be the hazard switch? I've stuck some screen shots here, but grab the manual so you can read it easier 👍
  9. Nice one.. Glad you got it sorted mate, and nice easy fixes once you tracked it down
  10. @Dave So just edited this one, and I had to add tags as there wasn't any added... How did they post it?
  11. Just the ones I've edited above mate, 🥸
  12. Ffs @Dave what did you do to Putin to make all these Russian spammers keep coming
  13. Cool. Been really impressed with delivery times tbh.
  14. Really good work done by Joe 👍
  15. Been fine for me so far (touch wood) . Lots of folk on here have used them over the years. The vti-s differences are cosmetic only 👍
  16. Yeah my passenger side one went a few years ago under power pulling out of a petrol station in busy traffic. I've just had to have the driver side one done as the joint was goosed. Used j&r both times.
  17. Post changed, user blocked. Gold coins for sale indeed.... 🤦
  18. I had some skunk lcas to go in when I got the bushes swapped, but they're were all done by the garage that was doing the resto. Good Jake came along with the answer above
  19. Deleted... Been getting a few spams of late. Who in their right mind would click a link to order blue pills from Moscow 😂
  20. Not heard of that before. Is the rest of the suspension performing as it should?
  21. Can't disagree with what you've said there really about the rainsport. They are better in the wet, but at least they're quite progressive in the way they start to lose grip and give you plenty of warning. I can well imagine there's much better dry tyres though. We've recently tried some toyos on the wife's accord and they're horrid compared to the rainsport. They're supposed to be wet weather tyres as well but they're nowhere near the uniroyals
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