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Everything posted by dr_broon

  1. It is bud, whole unit... When you change the temperature etc it pops up on the display. Pretty cool really 😎
  2. Those wheels look mint mate... Very nice. Steering wheel looks good as well
  3. Crikey, you've been busy with that one mate. Deffo get some pics on to see what you've been up to. Glad she's okay though
  4. Little update, had to recommission the deck as the accord has decided to shat its power steering fluid so over the shop, do pumped the tyres up, stuck a new yuasa battery in, and off we go 😎 Love this car 🥰
  5. That's ridiculous picking up stuff like that when things are in good order.. You could almost understand it if they were trying to sell you work, but to them say they wouldn't do it! 🤦 It's such a lottery getting garages to do jobs on your car... Good ones are like gold dust. Hope your foot gets better soon mate..
  6. Not much to update on Tubs2 as its hibernation time, so thought I'd show done pics of the bargain android headunit / climate control thing for the big boy wagon. It's pretty good to be fair, better than a lot of oem infotainment systems. Had android auto and Apple car play. Only real quirk is that the passenger side temp control is the one that controls both, rather than the other way around, and the door open image that pops up is also switched around. Wish there was something like this for the M though. Got it for a bargain £35 from the cancer research eBay site as well. Looks like they must have a batch at there's another one on auction now https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225994844427?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=7jCh4mYeQAC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=VPkI41u3Sse&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=More Replaces this unit..
  7. A nice box of engine treats there matey. Nice one for going your own way with the build as well - that's what it's all about really 👍😎 Hope you get sorted with somewhere to do the work.
  8. I can't check for you, I'm staying off Facebook again.. @Dave can you see?
  9. Class work as always Joe, great to see how it's coming along (and pleased you've added it here as I'm trying to stay off Facebook 😁). The fuel tank and filler came up really well - that's cool not having to replace them (though I don't think the filler is available so nice one for protecting it). Rover parts/fittings come to the rescue quite often now, and like you say are so much cheaper than honda would have been if they were available.
  10. Not really an answer to your question about dealer plates, but the brochure for the aerodeck and the hatch back has plates with "civic" on (fire the aerodeck one you need to download it as the pics on the post are duplicates from the hatchback post. I guess it would have just been marketed as a civic?
  11. Got to agree there... Climair are far superior.
  12. Hi, assuming that the MA windows are the same as the MB / MC ( @Dave do you know?) then the options I'm aware of are Climair ones or Team Heko.
  13. Nice looking MB bud. The wiring info should be in the workshop manual that you can download from this site (in the downloads section of the menu) For the manual winders though, take a look on rimmerbros.com for mg rover ones... https://rimmerbros.com/Item--i-GRID003613
  14. It also hasn't moved if the drive as well mind you, though to be fair that doesn't normally stop it getting dirty. 😂
  15. Looking mint down there.. Nice work mate. Seriously how that's sorted for the ABS.. it's been a journey!
  16. Aye, that worries me about taking the deck on a track... It's be so gutted if I binned it. Though I was looking at hill climb tracks the other day 😁
  17. dr_broon

    Srs 9/3

    List of codes are here mate, but weirdly end at 92...
  18. Ah mate, was hoping that wouldn't happen with the civic. Wang some pics of the fn on though.. I'm liking them more the older they get... Same with the 8th gen accords. Hopefully it'll do the job on the track as well.
  19. Sensor for the ir remote I believe.
  20. Aye, best bit is it's a week since it was washed.. Usually it's a mess after a day
  21. How's things going with the crown mate? Still going strong?
  22. Some water beading porn from over night wetness... Do really like that turtle wax hybrid wax stuff.
  23. Thinking about this over night, I think that the top layer that's peeling off might be seam sealer. It wasn't rusty flakes of metal anyway. Will hopefully get a chance to have a look after work
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