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Civic5 Supporter
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Everything posted by noodels

  1. just picked some front EBC reds from EuroCar Parts for 37 pounds that's 60% less than rrp of over 100!! My Yellows are worn out and just failed MOT
  2. 303213937472 on egay made to measure ,maybe ?
  3. Ek9/dc2 ect come in from n/s 2x longer than mb6 mc2
  4. Mc2 cable is not too short on my install.. this may help also its for LHD only..USA http://www.ff-squad.com/technet/how-to/sk2im/
  5. Dc2 /EK are longer. have oem cable on my Mc2 with S2000 TB <same as Type R> depends if you can swap throttle mechanism on the skunk TB. if you have 3 point strut brace it will not work with manifold
  6. What Dave said,have leather in my MC2
  7. Fit Honda ones or Hardrace
  8. or extend ie cut flange and weld an extension pipe on the cat
  9. Let me know if you need help,am just down road from Snetterton
  10. 4 New Rainsports fitted 1k ago on the OZ wheels + a 4 wheel allignment
  11. https://www.carlsalter.com/honda-wheel-fitments.html
  12. wtf .. did you not need too split ball joints ?<so not too effect geometery?> can you wangle it otherwise ?
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