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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Yeah it's true. Very few about nowadays. I often look to gauge prices etc. Ek's are almost non existent aswell. Suppose they mostly suffer from rust etc unless people are trying to preserve them.
  2. Don't know how I've ended up reading this so far down the line. But for what it's worth for people in the future. Honda still provide new fobs and keys for certain setups . I have brand new keyset and fobs for mine.
  3. That was 100% my first choice but was poo pood by my wife. Said looks too much like a car whatever that means lol
  4. Haha same really. Yeah it's an 2007 Alphard. Quite a nice vehicle tbh. Was looking for a Honda Elysion ideally but couldn't find the right one. So started looking at these, And quite liking Toyota atm.
  5. New daily today. Still got Hilux too as a run about, altho might part with it soon.
  6. I got a tea cosey for Xmas aswell. People must think I'm bonkers old rover under cover lol. But it gets so dusty even in the garage. Makes sense. So quick wash and under the tea cosey.
  7. Fitted component speakers in front today. Been ill with you know what and was determined to get up and just do anything just to feel normal.
  8. Looks alright don't it. You interested in it? Gonna sneek a bid in there?
  9. Grey stuff. Glad your still cracking on with your project. A lot would have given up on this one. Seems like your on the right track to repairing it. It will soon come together once you start cutting away the bad metal.
  10. Shame mate. Think your on the right track tho. Bead of sealer all the way under the trims. Bound to have a few niggles at that age ay.
  11. Santa braught me a new wheel. Really nice feel to it, looking forward to trying it out. Gonna hang my honda black magic wheel up and keep it mint. One on eBay atm for £500 crazy
  12. Nice one mate have a great one. Santa braught couple of things for the car which is better than the usual pants,socks and booze!!
  13. That's cool of them ain't it. I remember having a similar incident with teins, all moved fine bar one. Luckily managed to cut the ring off and just replace that.
  14. Yeah bit of a crap place for speakers tbh. Firing up into the window. Would have been better in the door imo.
  15. Rear speakers are in. Thaught had pioneers in the back. Apparently not. JVC and really tiny and light. Should be a good improvement. Added foam pad behind them too.
  16. Starting the speaker upgrades. Of course trying to keep things neat started with the tweeter. Eyed up a few options. Most of which involved cutting the pod. Luckily managed to alter the stock brackets a little to accommodate the JBL tweeters.
  17. AHH i get you. Nice perk of the job for sure. I'm getting far too old and mardy for rolling around on the floor nowadays
  18. Good stuff mate. Sounds like money well spent tightening it all up nicely. Is that one of those places you can rent a ramp and some kit?
  19. Nice mate looks perfect afte rthe body work. Real nice. Quite the update that!! What sort of states this the in then?
  20. Front end all painted again and back together. Car is hanging tho needs a good wash. if stops drizzling might have a go at it later.
  21. Not sure bout that. That isn't on my fastback either.
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