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Everything posted by dr_broon

  1. Hope you get to the bottom of it. Hopefully you get more than two years from an o2 sensor, but I've had a few over the years, and quite often they have issues intermittently - usually have found it worse in the wet.
  2. I've had ngk from jap service parts before, not too bad on price. I guess the important part will be before or after the cat - the readings will probably be different there seeing as some cars have one either side. I've got a sports cat and it's just passed the mot fine, but usually it really struggles.
  3. Bit of post clean photo whore Was cold first thing, but it's lush out now.
  4. Welcome along Patrick. That's a great looking MA8 you've got there - can't believe how fresh the red looks.
  5. What a great watch! If you do decide to move it on, you've got to have yourself some enjoyment out of it this summer mate.
  6. Hi Steez. I've got 17s on my deck, and although I do love the look, I think that a nice light set of 16s would be a better option - especially if you're planning on going lower to avoid arch rub. Pic with the 17s.. I had my oem 15s as winter tyres, and always liked how nimble they felt when I put them on, but then like the strong contact feel from the 17s when they went back on. 16s are probably the best compromise. I always think as well that the dc2 was specced with 16s on the later models for a reason.
  7. BOOM! really strong numbers there mate.. Nice smooth curve as well... Gonna be even more of a beast It's that where you wanted to be?
  8. Some random ebay job.. Thought it was worth a punt... To be honest, the brackets that mount to the seat belt fixings had 4 holes in, and I went for the furthest ones so the brace was out the way, tucked behind people's feet, which did mean more leverage to bend the brackets. The brace itself was stiff enough. Can always quickly chuck it in on the first holes if I was going to do a track day or something. The chassis is stiff enough for normal use tbh.
  9. Spent a bit of time fitting some roof rails to the wagon at the weekend (after ruining the roof with the bike incident) Had to chop the trim to fit around the feet for the rails which took most of the time (and trying to straighten out the part of the trim that was damaged in 'the incident...'). Need to get some front covers as they were missing, but the rails are like hen's teeth.
  10. MOT day today, flew through... Even no issues on emissions... Nice Not much else to report, gave it a clean at the weekend, and fitted some proper diameter hose for the screen wash so they work properly now. I did fit a room brace (b pillar floor brace) a few weeks back, and took it back off straight away.. The brackets were flexing when I moved the brace by hand.. Not worth the inconvenience of having it in the footwell at the back. Anyway, post wash pic...
  11. I got a reconditioned one from ignition car parts years and years ago, and (touch wood) it's still going strong.
  12. I'm going to make my favourite suggestion of O2 sensor for rough running / needing to give it some revs to stop it spluttering. Have you tried changing that?
  13. Feels like it's finally the end of a long winter mate, and getting stuff done outside doesn't seem as much of a chore - hope you get it sorted without too much hassle.
  14. Mint. Going to be ready to rock by the time the warm weather comes
  15. Sounds great bud - tbh I'd be happy with 215 as an upgrade Have you got her back now?
  16. Nice one.. Bet that was a great feeling for it to run no problem after all that work that's gone in. Good work sir
  17. Looks amazing - would be good to get a project thread started so we can find out more.
  18. Ahh man, still, that all looks pretty sexual now.. And a fancy new rocker cover sets it off nice.
  19. All looks so clean in there ready for the new beast! Before zoomed in and saw they were dusters, I thought that those yellow details looked pretty cool.
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