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  1. Hello Guys Just thought i would give you an update on the ol' MB6 Project. Ive been very busy as of recent sourcing panels for the restoration. Im very chuffed to find some Genuine Body panels including the Whole Upper sill and rear outer arch. Alongside that i have also sourced some Rear inner arch Extension panels where the Sills Meet the Wheel Arch. Unfortunately the Lower/Inner Sill section was no where to be found alongside the front outriggers but thats not an issue at all. i will be starting to Fabricate some New Lower/Inner Sill sections as if you don't know already the Civic MA/MB has Three Segments to the lower sill. The First part being the Front Jacking point section which starts at the sill then wraps itself round the front chassis legs and subframe mounts. Then there is the Middle section where the Front seatbelts are Anchored to. This section is Spot welded to the floor pan to create a sandwich effect (lovely rust trap btw). The Panel Itself is an L Shape as it also forms apart of the inner sill as its all one pressing. Thankfully the rust has not spread up into the vertical section of the panel as the rust has only ate away at the lower part probably due to all the water being trapped there. and Finally the Last segment being the Rear Sill Extension assembly which contains the rear jacking points and the Semi Trailing arm bush mounting. With Fabricating these lower segments it is pretty simple Its just a 90 Degree bend with a flange where the outer skin is spot welded to. With Rover at the time having a Partnership with Honda Luckily the 400 and 45 is the same car in terms of bodywork pretty much. Hence why i have bought Rover sills and Rover Inner Arches (they're probably cheaper too) and they will do the same job. Part Numbers if needed ALA120220 for the Side Panel (do note the side panel is a saloon not a hatchback as they are no longer available.) ALX140020 and ALX140030 for the Rear inner arches. The idea will be to chop the sill segment and rear arch segment off the genuine panel and to replace what is the rotten part on my Civic. With this i can maintain the original pressings of the panel such as the grommet holes. Hopefully in the New year i can get round to producing the Inner sill segments to be used.
  2. Hi guys, This is my MC2 VTI... more to come when I get around to finishing some internal tweaks....
  3. Hello there, I have an issue with my MB6 B18C4. The engine sometimes hesitates sometimes not and the car has very bad idling. It fluctuates a lot. New distributor, new TPS, new MAP, new IACV, new throttle body, new spark plugs and spark plug wires and the car has enough coolant in it. Any ideas?
  4. So how many lambda/02 sensors does the MB6 Civic originally have? My car had aftermarket exhaust system since i got it, so i have no idea what's the most ideal/original position of lambda/02 sensor. And also does it originally come with 1 or 2 sensors? If 2 then where does the other one go to? I've never had OEM cat so where does to 02 sensor go to? I know that there is supposed to be at least 1 sensore before the cat or at the cat... Does the OEM header/exhaust manifold have o2 connection or was it directly on the cat itself? I have aftermarket header with plugged o2 connection and the lambda is currently connected directly to aftermarket cat since it already had a connection to it. But is the best place for the sensor at the end of the header pipe before the cat starts? I'm asking all of this because i have constant issues with high emissions. I'm trying to rule out things. ECU could cause all sorts of readings depending on the set up... Right now i'm going to replace the rusted header if that helps. If the header leaks somewhere, it could lead to surprisingly big emission issues. ECU for instance could assume that the engine is running too lean, and compensate it with more fuel so that it runs rich... Has anyone changed thermostat, coolant/radiator cap, coolant temperature sensor? Many people here have issues with emissions on B18c4. So did any of those things fix the issue for someone? Or does the car need a OEM cat? ECU issue regarding non-OEM parts used? These cars doesn't seem to like some of the aftermarket parts if i'm not wrong...
  5. Has any of you replaced the distributor on MB6/MC2 Civics? In North-American forums some people say bad things about aftermarket ones, but OEM ones are quite expensive if i'm not wrong... Would this be any good? https://www.a4h-tech.com/en/ashuki-blue-print-distributor-td-87u-civic-integra-95-01 Or this? https://www.a4h-tech.com/en/dragon-fire-performance-distributor-td-86u-honda-civic-integra (Havent heard about the brand) Which of these would be the best bet? Ashuki product claims to be "OEM Replacement with a perfect quality." Dragon Fire Performance claims to be for high perfomance, suitable for high rpm etc. Has anyone used Ashuki products on their Hondas around here? Good/bad experiences? Also has anyone replaced thermostat with a aftermarket part? Any risks? Good brands? Meyle, Mahle, Gates?
  6. I tried to change the original PCV valve with a new aftermarket one (cheap). It was hard to remove the old one and it cracked in two pieces. I got it all out eventually while very frustrating. Putting the new one was surprisingly hard too. I did attach it to the hose surprisingly easily but it was hard to press the new valve back into the hole. There's no space so hard to apply any strengh. I'm not sure if it's all the way down. It looks pretty good but i think it could be a little off. The aftermarket valves rubber part was a bit longer than in the old OEM one. Maybe that makes it hard too. Anyway tried to start the car after all the work and i think the idling is a bit off. It could be running lean or rich if i installed it wrong... There is some smell and exhaust gas smells a bit rich too although i always had trouble with emissions/car running too rich. Also the car is using oil so that's also the reason for trying to change pcv valve. I haven't test driven yet but i'm afraid i could've made things worse. Might have to take the car to a car mechanic. Tried to save some money by doing it myself because the valve is in a bad spot in these engines as you may know. Is it harmful to the engine if i installed it badly? Is running rich or lean harmful to engine? When i pressed the gas pedal at idle it didnt sound healthy/strong. Choking sounds and hesitating sound but the pedal feel was normal. Should i try to drive the car or let someone take a look?
  7. Ahoj from Czechia chaps! In a very near future I think I'll be in the market for the "englishman" as we call the Swindon 6th gens here, specifically the Aerodeck VTi. The car would first replace my Mitsu Eclipse as a fun car and later my daily after I've worked out the I presume numerous bugs. Hope I'm not asking too much of the old Honda but so far it seems to me as close to a weekender/daily in one car as one can get in my price range. In this first of many potential instances I turn to you for your knowledge and would like to know how much I'd be shooting myself in the foot by getting the aerodeck rather than the liftback. As for reasons, they are mostly aesthetic. Although it might and in the upcoming years probbably will come in handy to have lots of bootspace, it's not the selling point for me. What is is that the car looks more mature and also pretty stealthy apart from actually being more after my taste. For that I am willing to sacrifice some degree of performance. So far as I've gathered, the deck is a tiny bit heavier and naturally less stiff of a chasis due to it being essentialy a box on wheels without the bracing behind the backseats and more weight in the roof. Among anything that comes to mind I'd like to know whether the popular ZX suspension swap is possible with the deck allegedly having a different rear than the liftback and the MG, and the difference in parts availability both oem and aftermarket. Cheers!
  8. Hey lads, Have previously put a build thread on civiclife forum but thought I'd wack one up here too for different opinions etc. Currently I have re-sprayed the grill and re-badged boot... Ive cleaned up bay, powder coated rocker cover and fitted short ram induction kit (soon to be cold air induction kit)... Removed headlight washer jets... New head unit, fusion sub and fli door speakers... Next I plan to fill jet holes in front bumper and re-spray it, along with skirts and rear bumper as they have a few dings etc. Purchased the relevant stuff for this from halfords, had a question though... If i get paint colour using cars ext. paint code... Once lacquered will it have the desired effect or will it look out of place.... The silver has a metallic shine to it but not sure if my sprayed bumpers will come out the same as not done this before? Any tips welcome please!! Here's a couple pics anyway...
  9. Helloo New to this,But I had this issue with all my MBs,The arabian tent ,Ive used glue before ,but now Im just close to giving up,Any Ideas .Maybe Rip off and staple some leather fabric or limo lights those little leds all over could look cool?
  10. well I'm new to the whole aerodeck club really, but I've always know about them and had a soft spot for them and now I've got myself one! I've managed to get myself a rust free vti aerodeck with loads of history and less than 100k on the clocks.. just lol. the engine and box are great very smooth and quite and the aircon even works! there's a knocking on the suspension/steering somewhere, I think its a track rod so those will be changes this weekend. the rear brakes were past it so it's had new disks and pads on the rear. But I'm pretty sure the rear sliders are sticking so that's another job to check over. the sunroof needs a new seal it doesn't let water in but the noise on the motorway! the drivers window also need looking at. it's as if its sitting lower on one end and when you put the window up it drags in the window seal. then it just needs a parcel shelf, a new horn, rear bumper and boot lid could do with some tlc or swapping and the drivers wing could do with being changed if the dent can't be pulled out. not to bad for an bus right? now for the goodies! I've bought a few little bits for it first of all was a vtis kit front and rear skirts and side skirts then I found a mid spoiler on eBay pretty cheep so I bought that right away! the kit does need painting so I'm not sure when I'll be able to get that done. I managed to get a set of genuine floor mats for free and they're pretty mint. Today I've had a new set of wheels delivered in the form of 16x7 rota fighters with brand new yoko tyres. can't wait to see them on! the next step now is coilovers which I'm thinking about ordering after payday. exciting times! I'll leave it there for now. I'll try get some pictures up over the weekend. Dan
  11. I've got a b18c4 tall engine and a s9b box sat around doing nothing. I was planning on keeping it to build but I cant see that ever happening. Engine smoked a little and used abit of oil the gearbox had a wine. Any ideas on what this would be worth?
  12. Well, here's the build up of my first MB6. Only had her 5 days and already i'm in love with her!!! lol Oh, and she's been officially named Ruby! Goes with her Ruby red paint (ok, I know it's sicillian red!! ) I'm no stranger to M's have had my MA8 civic (blue Betty!) for around 5 years! Right, heres the info on her when I got her. 1998 S-reg sicillian read pearl 39,000 miles Full service history, 2 owners from new (Honda being the first, up to 6,000 miles, then the owner I bought her from at 38,500 miles) standard appart from A/M remote alarm imobiliser with ultrasonics (NOW REPLACED WITH NEW UPGRADED CAT 1 SYSTEM), detachable towbar (proper one from Honda , which will be coming off!) My Plan is to make her a VTiS replica, but in met red, instead of pirates black. So here she is This was on the way home at some motorway services (I spy Dawns aerodeck in the background! ) First mod was to ditch the orange side indicators for nice clear ones Next, it was onto the interior. She's spotless inside, but still gona give her a good clean, so heres how she looks now....I'll post up another once she's been fully valeted The one part of the interior that I wanted to change asap was the stereo! Was a pioneer good bit of kit in it's day, but i like me Cd's and MP3's so out it came and in its place, my Pioneer mp3 head unit (keeping it kinda oem, as it's still a pioneer ) And thats all the mods so far...........but there will be more to come. She's getting a full VTI-S body kit, VTI-S alloys (early style ones) poss tints, and a few other bits and bobs. Heres some pics of how she looks now after a wash! MODS SO FAR: Smoked side indicators Pioneer MP3 head unit (iPod compatible) (UPDATE: Now Alpine CDE9850Ri CD/MP3 with full iPod control)(Update again, now got a new Pioneer DAB/CD/USB head unit!) Powerflow Stainless steel exhaust (cat back) VTiS lip kit (side skirts still to be fitted) VTiS floor mats VTiS gearknob VTiS Speedline chrono alloys fully refurbed and powder coated in white ) TypeR Gear gator with red stitching Full leather (from ES model) fitted, along with the black door cards Honda horn (peep peep) removed, replaced air horns Lowered on Full MeisterR Zeta S coilover suspension
  13. Now Just need to get my springs on ,45mm be alright?
  14. Nice Little meet with Dream owners club today ,sadly no mb's about .Good catch up

    © V77EC G

  15. Hi all, it was about time i stopped posting in the wrong thread and started my own. For the start a quick story about how i got my aerodeck. About 4 years ago, when i was looking for my first car, i found out that Honda decided to put B18 into family sedan/wagon, but at that time, there were none for sale in Slovakia ad i could not afford importing one, so I settled for the most reasonable option: Skoda Felicia for 370€ which i have to this day. My father had an FK2 Civic at that time, which i fell in love with from occasional driving. Fast forward 3 years, i dropped out of university (again) and decided to end my student life and find a job. Within a few weeks i got employed as a CNC machinist with above average pay. At this point of time, my father was considering retirement and a purchase of a new car. We decided, that when he buys new one, the FK2 will stay in family instead of getting sold. It was the end of october when he brought home 2017 Mazda 3 (2.0, petrol, auto) and i started to pay for the FK (200€/mo, 4500€ total). It was only 16th of december when i was coming home from night shift when i fell asleep behind the wheel, resulting in a crash into oncoming car. Luckily nobody was hurt, as it was pretty low speed crash and we hit only with front left headlight/quarter panel/wheel, but the FK was totaled. It could be repaired, but for insurance company it was not worth it, so they payed us 4000€ for the car and we still had the option to sell the wreck. one monday evening i was looking at used car prices, to find out how much we could get for it, when i stumbled upon silver Aerodeck VTi for 2800€. Price was a bit higher than i expected, but hey, it was only third aerodeck vti for sale in Slovakia for the past four years. I could not let that opportunity pass. Tuesday morning i called the seller and on friday evening i was driving home in my new deck with ear to ear smile on my face. Shortly after we sold the FK wreck for 900€. You lose some, you get some. I love my deck, but i still miss that UFO. As things stand today, i have to do a stage 0 maintenance and on top of that i already had brake hard lines replaced as the old ones cracked and leaked, which cost me 100€. Yesterday i snapped left drive shaft, i ordered both from J&R, 116€ delivered, they should arrive on wdnesday. Last week i changed oil, oil and air filters. Tried to change fuel filter, but i could not loosen it, so i let it be for time being. Thing that await me in near future are clutch, timing belt, rear muffler, summer tires and some minor stuff. About future upgrades i want to start with basic stuff, LED H4 bulbs, short throw shifter, shifter poly bushes, rear sway bar, higher performance brake pads and rotors, braided brake lines, maybe also clutch line, high performance smer tires and if i will have spare cash also some nicer alloys and leave OE alloys for winter. When all of this will be done i would consider coilovers, but if i get a good offer before that, i might as well change the order. Another thing i am considering is getting integra stainless cat back, which could i get for around 250 and tweak it to fit, but i am afraid it would require too much work and in the end would not be worth it. Considering replacement OE spec rear section costs around 130... If i forgot something i wanted to say, i will add it later. Thanks for reading and bearing with me.
  16. 1998 Honda Civic Aerodeck B18C4 - Koni Sportkit -35mm and adjustable stiffness - Sportline lipkit - 16†Zero ZE04-rims with 205/45 Falken-tyres - for the winter 15†League 273’s with 195/55 Continentals - Tinted windows - Custom headlights - Custom grille - Red brake calipers up front - De-badged - Removed the headlight washers - Indiglo dials from Moman - Mugen pedals - Tenzo-R shift knob - Simoni Racing floor mats Greetings from the north, this is my second aerodeck. My first car was a MB8 that i bought in July 2008 but in march 2009 i couldn't resist anymore, took a loan and got myself the car that i had wanted in the first place, the MC2. It wasn't in the best possible condition when i got it and still needs lots of work, but slowly and surely it's starting to turn into what i hope one day will be the lowest, fastest and baddest Aerodeck in Finland. I just got my winter rims from Alloywheels.com and got them installed, i'll post pictures of the new look soon. I have lots planned for my deck... i'll keep you updated on the progress.
  17. Hi guys, so my Mb2 is going to be turning 20 very soon this year So one of the jobs I’m wanting to do is replacing all major bushings etc. I’ve just never done this before and have no idea what bushes are on the car, front suspension and back. Also where can I get all the right parts and how much is it going to cost approximately? Trailing arm bushes badly need doing, also sure I’ve heard the front anti roll bar knocking, rear LCA bushes could do with replacing as well. Any words of wisdom greatly appreciated!
  18. Best prize/perfomance/durability/quality ratio? I've heard Blue print makes good aftermarket parts for Japanese vehicles especially. Should be better or same as OEM they claim. Ferodo? TRW? Delphi? Bosch? Also should you ever use different pads with different disc brand? Or different combo in front vs rear axle?
  19. Browsing ebay and found this. Looks amazing condition with only 18.000 miles on the clock, two owners from new. Very hard to find one like this, but don't think I could justify.........£6495 for an MB6! Still, would love to own this. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Honda-Civic-1-8-VTI-Very-Low-Mileage-ONLY-18K-Service-History-Lot-of-paperwork/233074530457?hash=item3644531899:g:VQUAAOSwTY9buQTO:rk:4:pf:0 Pic of the car
  20. Hi everyone! I want to change all rear lights (blinker,reverse,brake, fog) to LED bulbs and also do the jdm style lights. What LEDs would fit best? if you have any night pics with LEDs post here! And for jdm tail light conversion, i would have to get other fog light loom or i just need the bulb holder? Thank you! (sorry for my English )
  21. Hi new to the forum, picked up this mb6 totally standard apart from coilover a month ago and since then I've added an omp wheel and quick release, new carpets, added an aem induction kit, aluminium rad and red coolant hoses, decat, custom spark plug cover,bonnet raisers and few wee tidy up bits, I've owned a few hondas before this, had am ej6 civic coupe with a b18c4 conversion and also owned an accord type r, but its quite a clean mb6 so don't want to do to much to it or anything done it can be put back, but interested in probably one of the most asked questions of making the custom projector headlights? And looking a nice set of alloys, recommendations? Thanks
  22. Hello, I've been following this forum for a while but never introduced myself so I think it's about time that I do this My name is Ringo, i'm from Belgium so my Englisch isn't the best but I'll try. I have my aerodeck mc2 now for almost a year. When I bought him it had 110.000 km. This is when I bought him : My first modification were wheels and h&r lowering springs. I also changed the oil to mobil1 5w40 and mounted a itr oem airbox. Changed the sparkplugs and installed a cat converter. This week I'm gonna change the brake pads to ebc black ones. I also did a big order at all4honda.nl, a 5 panel mirror, a sensor for oiltemp and oilpress, a new fuelfilter, a hamp oilfilter, an oilpan gasket, a exhaust header gasket, a few little things and the biggest thing, an invidia g200 catback from a civic coupe/sedan 92-95. Also I want to buy a utcomp board computer and install the oil sensors on it. I also bought a vti-s front and back lip wich must be painted in red. I had the chance to buy a secondhanded tegiwa toda rep header wich is almost brand new. When the new updates are installed I'll be posting some new pictures. This is a picture of me and hondaprojason when he visited the netherlands : edit november 2015 : these are the mods i've did so far: performanceitr airbox with k&n filter and cold air feedtegiwa toda rep. headerdecatsrs r60 catbackinsane shafts driveshaftsoem itr clucthact streetlight flywheelhamp oilfilterebc brakepads suspensionh&r coilover kitrota grid 17x7,5 et45black lugnutspirelli p zero nero 205-40-17mg zs 18mm swaybar rearenergy suspension front swaybar endlinks bushingsenergy suspension gear shift bushings interiortegiwa 360 degree shifter extensiontegiwa type r gear knob5-panel mirror exteriorvti-s lip kitvti-s spoilergrill and logo wrapped in matt blackfake air intakes in fog surroundingsheadlights tinted in blackwhite sidemarkersdebadged trunknew paint on vti-s kit, trunk rear bumper,mirrors, and doorhandlestegiwa rear tow hookpainted brake calipers redclimair window visors frontshort atenna engine baydarkicedesigns hoodstrutspassword jdm radiator staypassword jdm vtec solenoid covertegiwa washers tenzo-r battery tiedownskunk2 plug cover future modsutcomp trip computer (working on it)engine dress-upwindow visors rear and roofwindow tintingheadlights blackhousing diynew paint valve coverskunk2 water hosesbishimoto water reservoir
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