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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. If it's not serious and the box works. Can you live with it?? Only saying that because now a Bit more clued up nowadays.. When I first bought an mb6 it had a slight noise in neutral. I sold that box as spares or repairs and replaced it.. I am now about 7 gearboxes later. And they all have a slight noise in neutral. I have also repaired a box with d**ky synchros. And suspected main shaft bearing for a whine. Whine was still there afterwards. I believe now I should have just lived with it on the original box. It's probably still going strong.
  2. S80 4.7 is the best standard box. But if you want to spend dow. Then can get 4.9 finals probably others. And all other fancy pants bits and custom gearsets
  3. KiNK43


    Standard injectors will max out at 230hp and they'd be getting caned
  4. It's pretty straight forward to be fair. Airbox out starter out. shafts out. Slave cylinder off. Unplug anything connected vss and reverse light. Torque mount off. Flywheel cover off. Get a jack under engine with a board to spread the load. Whip all the bolts out undo side mount and lower it down and pull off
  5. Wow looks awesome mate. Insurance is weird. My 300hp civic cost less than 200. Yet our smx with is so painfully slow is over 800.
  6. Nay bad dave. Supposed to be a good drive
  7. Wow looks good man.. gotta ask tho is that exhaust practical. Surely lot of heat being so short? Haha I've got that filter not bad for 8 quid
  8. @kern yeah goes alright to be fair shows up a lot of big modern cars for sure. Power is backed off a bit 290bhp. Due to new actuator running 7 psi. Will bump it back up soon when bored with an electronic boost controller. Still have to drive it hard like a Honda should to keep it in the power band tho.
  9. Engine needed a better breather setup to deal with blow by when in boost. So had an-10 bosses welded to rocker cover In order to do this is to drill out all the rivets holding on the internal baffle. So drilled and tapped all the holes to accept m5 bolts. After cleaning it all refitted the baffle with sealant and thread locked the bolts in. Painted the cover gloss black. And fitted to the car with 10mm lines running into a ventilates catch can near the battery. Vent is 25mm diameter. Also painted boost pipe as silver was offensive Went to japshow car was on Dynodaze stand.. got a lot of attention actually. Always Lots of people nosing around it. Some nice comments etc.
  10. Strange that other b series boxes don't suffer with this low bite issue thatvs9b has.. and the pivot ball is a different size and shape. Much larger.
  11. Throw something in the mix. I had low bite etc. Turned out the clutch release fork and it's pivot were to blame. Would change the pivot at a minimum. Whilst box off. Plenty of high temp grease on there.
  12. Positive Will be fine. Possible diff bearings are different between boxes but doesn't look like there included anyway. But just to confirm why not email or telephone the supplier?
  13. Lovin the bar phil. Need some Knobblies on there now
  14. Coming in nicely man. Love the wings like that
  15. Well it is an mb6 underneath. Well loosely... https://civic5.com/forum/topic/5799-kinks-eg-project-round-2/
  16. Looking good. That bolt on ya master cylinder brace looks pretty tight. If it rubs best shorten it.
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